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What am I able to get?

131 PRS With 203 ABSORB.



can he tank r7 with 203 abs?


/crystals and hit and run

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Fru whats your highest score?


probably 10.6kk , 10.7kk max

got 11kk once but that was due to spawn bug.


nice score for mgs Fruitis  ::)

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i still have hope with this,cause if a mage 135 with staff 128 +20 +DGS 3-3 dmg = ~1000~1200 dmg i think... /2 = ~600 dmg

with 600 dmg u can do a group of mobs in r8 re-spawn at least two times killing them. Ofcourse this ll not the solution for mage rank sod,but it helps with some additional points.


And using EL,you dont lose time potting mana or mp =more skills spent,imagine the time PRS lose potting hp in R7 for example.

mgs only dont test this cause they dont think in this strategy,or dont have hope abt this or dont wanna collect VP and eternal life,cause i know,is something hard stay remember ALWAYS voting and collecting Vp and spent with eternal life,

"why spent vote points with eternal life if i can spent with some more useful like rebirth scroll" they should think.


I admire your devotion for this Eternal Life "strategy", but you seem quite misguided so I think you should do your homework on the fundamentals of a mage, 3-3 mix doesn't work on mage since mage's damage rely on spirit and weapon damage.

I have a lvl 134 mage with acceptable gear and I do quite a lot of SOD mostly to test my tankability with staff, and I can tell you that tanking round 8 is not the biggest problem, the problem is there isn't enough time to finish all the mobs in such a short amount of time and I myself do quite some damage on round 8 without spamming MP and HP every 2 second.

So to sum it all up, round 8 was never ment to be for soloing, it is for party/clan SODs.

P.S: I only do SOD full spirit, makes no sense if you have lots of HP and mobs can still drain all of it in matters of seconds.



I dont know how u use your mg but i talking about "explore char limits". we cant say:" it is imposible" if we dont try our best.It is a good lesson for us dont subestime players capacity.I have see some ppl with their favorite chars in hands that "do magic" with their char. It depends the capacity each player.I see players do the impossible with few.


The unique char can tank all mobs Round 8 is mech tanker (i say "tank" : razoable hp use,he isnt imune to all r8 dmg ,NO ONE are imune to R8 dmg).Chars try tank and kill r8 stay only : poting hp,hp,attack,hp,hp,attack this is ridiculous for us! cant kill if you only use pots! now imagine a mage poting Mp a lot and hp in R8...you can't kill!Is cause this mgs cant rank sod! cause energy shield "broke" the mana! cause mgs stay only poting mp cause one mistic mana pot for one 2-3 meteors! see if PRS have this problem?with EL mg dont have this repot problem and dont die.


*lets imagine a k9 tank r8 and killing mobs 1x1(cause their area skill is weak if compair with the area power of a mage) the k9 ll kill one per one and LL KILL LESS THAN A MAGE METEOR!

simply cause meteor hits in area with great power and a GC or 1x1 skill dont hits area!

*whyle this a mg can kill a little slowly but kill all mobs from area,this is the vantage i dont know you dont want see.


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Yea, you're right. Everyone is good when playing his fav char. mage used to be my fav char for 2-3 yrs and I was good with it, but then it become boring.

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What am I able to get?

131 PRS With 203 ABSORB.



can he tank r7 with 203 abs?


I belive yes 203 can,i dont know but my mage have 150 abs and cant tank R7 :( (i say tank=one hp pot each 15 sec~)

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i still have hope with this,cause if a mage 135 with staff 128 +20 +DGS 3-3 dmg = ~1000~1200 dmg i think... /2 = ~600 dmg

with 600 dmg u can do a group of mobs in r8 re-spawn at least two times killing them. Ofcourse this ll not the solution for mage rank sod,but it helps with some additional points.


And using EL,you dont lose time potting mana or mp =more skills spent,imagine the time PRS lose potting hp in R7 for example.

mgs only dont test this cause they dont think in this strategy,or dont have hope abt this or dont wanna collect VP and eternal life,cause i know,is something hard stay remember ALWAYS voting and collecting Vp and spent with eternal life,

"why spent vote points with eternal life if i can spent with some more useful like rebirth scroll" they should think.


I admire your devotion for this Eternal Life "strategy", but you seem quite misguided so I think you should do your homework on the fundamentals of a mage, 3-3 mix doesn't work on mage since mage's damage rely on spirit and weapon damage.

I have a lvl 134 mage with acceptable gear and I do quite a lot of SOD mostly to test my tankability with staff, and I can tell you that tanking round 8 is not the biggest problem, the problem is there isn't enough time to finish all the mobs in such a short amount of time and I myself do quite some damage on round 8 without spamming MP and HP every 2 second.

So to sum it all up, round 8 was never ment to be for soloing, it is for party/clan SODs.

P.S: I only do SOD full spirit, makes no sense if you have lots of HP and mobs can still drain all of it in matters of seconds.



I dont know how u use your mg but think you dont explore your limits. you cant say:" it dont work,it is imposible" if you dont try your best.It is a good lesson for some ppl... dont subestime players capacity.I have see some ppl with their favorite chars in hands that "do magic" with their char. It depends the capacity each player.I see players do the impossible with few.


The unique char can tank all mobs Round 8 is mech tanker (i say "tank" : razoable hp use,he isnt imune to all r8 dmg ,NO ONE are imune to R8 dmg).Other chars try tank and kill r8 stay only : poting hp,hp,attack,hp,hp,attack this is ridiculous! cant kill if you only use pots! now imagine a mage poting Mp a lot and hp in R8...you can kill!Is cause this mgs cant rank sod! cause energy shield "broke" the mana! cause mgs stay only poting mp cause one mistic mana pot for one 2-3 meteors! see if PRS have this problem?with EL mg dont have this repot problem and dont die.


I think you dont see the logic of área strategy of the "god" your have in hands:


*lets imagine a k9 tank r8 and killing mobs 1x1(cause their area skill is weak if compair with the area power of a mage) the k9 ll kill one per one and LL KILL LESS THAN A MAGE METEOR!

simply cause meteor hits in area with great power and a GC or 1x1 skill dont hits area!

*whyle this a mg can kill a little slowly but kill all mobs from area,this is the vantage i dont know you dont want see.


Mgs have the area strategy,if dont use this ,mage and Prs have been created to deal the most area dmg from all chars and to be able to kill hunt mobs with area skill,this is all.

Eternal life is a strategy yes,better tanke alternative ways to the sucess than stay only follow the old ways if the old way dont work more.like some ppl use cristals to help in sod(it is a strategy lol).But you need think and consider use more strategy in sod,this is what do the diference and we know...all details in sod can do the diference.Dont subestime your char and chances in r8  ;)


I'm sorry but you sir are talking out of your arse, please back up your claims on being able to kill AT ALL in R8 whilst using EL with some actual evidence. For me, I KNOW that using EL will not help at all in SoD and I have the top 1 mage SoD score to show for it.

This SoD busisness is not as complex as you are trying to make it become, there are no actual strategy here, it's just mindless AoEing, switch skills/weapons at the right time; the same old crap that everyone knows and are doing/using (including me).

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i still have hope with this,cause if a mage 135 with staff 128 +20 +DGS 3-3 dmg = ~1000~1200 dmg i think... /2 = ~600 dmg

with 600 dmg u can do a group of mobs in r8 re-spawn at least two times killing them. Ofcourse this ll not the solution for mage rank sod,but it helps with some additional points.


And using EL,you dont lose time potting mana or mp =more skills spent,imagine the time PRS lose potting hp in R7 for example.

mgs only dont test this cause they dont think in this strategy,or dont have hope abt this or dont wanna collect VP and eternal life,cause i know,is something hard stay remember ALWAYS voting and collecting Vp and spent with eternal life,

"why spent vote points with eternal life if i can spent with some more useful like rebirth scroll" they should think.


I admire your devotion for this Eternal Life "strategy", but you seem quite misguided so I think you should do your homework on the fundamentals of a mage, 3-3 mix doesn't work on mage since mage's damage rely on spirit and weapon damage.

I have a lvl 134 mage with acceptable gear and I do quite a lot of SOD mostly to test my tankability with staff, and I can tell you that tanking round 8 is not the biggest problem, the problem is there isn't enough time to finish all the mobs in such a short amount of time and I myself do quite some damage on round 8 without spamming MP and HP every 2 second.

So to sum it all up, round 8 was never ment to be for soloing, it is for party/clan SODs.

P.S: I only do SOD full spirit, makes no sense if you have lots of HP and mobs can still drain all of it in matters of seconds.



I dont know how u use your mg but think you dont explore your limits. you cant say:" it dont work,it is imposible" if you dont try your best.It is a good lesson for some ppl... dont subestime players capacity.I have see some ppl with their favorite chars in hands that "do magic" with their char. It depends the capacity each player.I see players do the impossible with few.


The unique char can tank all mobs Round 8 is mech tanker (i say "tank" : razoable hp use,he isnt imune to all r8 dmg ,NO ONE are imune to R8 dmg).Other chars try tank and kill r8 stay only : poting hp,hp,attack,hp,hp,attack this is ridiculous! cant kill if you only use pots! now imagine a mage poting Mp a lot and hp in R8...you can kill!Is cause this mgs cant rank sod! cause energy shield "broke" the mana! cause mgs stay only poting mp cause one mistic mana pot for one 2-3 meteors! see if PRS have this problem?with EL mg dont have this repot problem and dont die.


I think you dont see the logic of área strategy of the "god" your have in hands:


*lets imagine a k9 tank r8 and killing mobs 1x1(cause their area skill is weak if compair with the area power of a mage) the k9 ll kill one per one and LL KILL LESS THAN A MAGE METEOR!

simply cause meteor hits in area with great power and a GC or 1x1 skill dont hits area!

*whyle this a mg can kill a little slowly but kill all mobs from area,this is the vantage i dont know you dont want see.


Mgs have the area strategy,if dont use this ,mage and Prs have been created to deal the most area dmg from all chars and to be able to kill hunt mobs with area skill,this is all.

Eternal life is a strategy yes,better tanke alternative ways to the sucess than stay only follow the old ways if the old way dont work more.like some ppl use cristals to help in sod(it is a strategy lol).But you need think and consider use more strategy in sod,this is what do the diference and we know...all details in sod can do the diference.Dont subestime your char and chances in r8  ;)


I'm sorry but you sir are talking out of your arse, please back up your claims on being able to kill AT ALL in R8 whilst using EL with some actual evidence. For me, I KNOW that using EL will not help at all in SoD and I have the top 1 mage SoD score to show for it.

This SoD busisness is not as complex as you are trying to make it become, there are no actual strategy here, it's just mindless AoEing, switch skills/weapons at the right time; the same old crap that everyone knows and are doing/using (including me).


why u dont put your arse at your place and talk like a adult?Attention like you speak first with other ppl ;)...

Mgs can do more than you say,like i say before,who are you if subestime other ppl and you dont have the same capacity?


sod have strategy yes! a good player havent only brute power and alienation actions,but have inteligence ,move strategy,skill strategy etc...

Mgs can kill at R8 but cant survive without ""inteligence"", you lose points in R8!Belive in me,be more creative dont matter if you are the top rank sod,if you are 160 lvl but havent respect you cant talk abt inteligence.Mgs can do more!Am a game veteran(of course i dont know all),but i know the char limits and tell you : you can do more!You subestime itself and players capacity!


I tell this cause I SEE other mg a guy, i admire much, a mg, and i am his eternal fan,a humble ppl,a respectable friend, ranking  sod other times.

You cant kill nice at round 8 cause you use more Mp/Hp pots and dist than meteors!i just dont like your language form and a little lack of respect,cause isnt the first time...your ceticism(each one with our self opinion ofcourse).

I havent nothing against you,only try to learn better form to talk with people if they have a diferent opinion than your rigth,it is good for all us and for you.

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A mg cant kill at Round 8 if use one hp/mp pot for each 3 meteors! A logical thing! Power ,and lvl isnt all,medium attack rate count too,in pvp this is fatal.

the repot disrrpts too much! PRS DONT HAVE THIS PROBLEM AND ALSO HAVE THEIR SKILL DMG INCREASED OF COURSE,if compare with mage meteor.


One HP Pot = One atack less=Time precious lose in R8 = Less points

To do something good in Round 8 - sod :

*Need increase your abs,def etc...

*Or be mech

*Or use some strategy,some people use cristals at r8 to help,is a construtive idea.

*Or dont try kill at r8, your attack time is tree meteors for a Mp potion at the end of turn you have been used + - 20 Mp potions and have been done -20 attacks with meteor/dias. Energy shield spent much mana.

Just a logical opinion mine.Nothing is impossible if you do your max # a good mage can rank sod more.

level dont matter too much,"if you know how", Level matter but isnt all.

I only talk about this here,to show where is the real problem,my suggestion abt Eternal life is only a opinion to non a probable solution(but testable) for mages. bb

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go with crystals/mech at the corner then spam meteorites. you'll be able to use 20-30 meteors if not taking dmg.

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my 10x mech have more xD

Yeah but you're a damn mech.

And u only have more when u use buffs.

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Once again. You're full of shit and can say whatever you want on forum, because it's easier to say than DO.

I don't feel like repeating myself but if you have proof that this stupid idea of yours work, then please prove that I am wrong (Although I don't expect much from a 11x mage), until then do yourself a favor by keeping your trap shut because you are going nowhere with this and it's convincing no one.

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