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S> Mech And Prs Items!

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Hello im selling the following items :

Mech Items

Bow 120 +11 MS lvl/1 -1 -0 = 150kk SOLD!

Sword 120 +11 MS dnt = 200kk 150kk!

Armor 120 +11 MS dnt = 250kk SOLD!

Armor 116 +13 MS good stat = 80kk SOLD!

Gaunts 120 BBM MS = 50kk SOLD!

Boots 120 BBM MS = 50kk SOLD!

Brace 120 MS lvl/1 BOM good stat = 120kk 70kk!

Scythe 120 +11 MS lvl/1 -3 -0 = 50kk SOLD!

Shield 114 +12 MS = 50kk 30kk!

Claw 122 MS lvl/1 Perfect dmg bom = 70kk SOLD!

Summer Suit MS BOM = 120kk SOLD!


Prs Items

Staff 120 PRS -1 -2 BEM (Best Enigma Mix) = 30kk SOLD!

Orb 114 +11 PRS = 35kk 20kk!

Gaunts 114 PRS BBM = 30kk 15kk!

Boots 114 PRS BBM = 30kk 15kk!

Brace 114 PRS lvl/1 BBM = 30kk 15kk!


Post here your IGN if you want to buy any of the items or PM me in forum or ingame :)


my IGN : Qays

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hey sir i want to buy your armor 120+11 dnt ms :) what ur name in game

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Gaunts 120 BBM MS

Boots 120 BBM MS


still have this?


are u online now?

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im crixuz in game or axus pm me sir i want to buy your armor and sword :)

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Gaunts 120 BBM MS

Boots 120 BBM MS


still have this?


are u online now?

i come on now, my ign is killermech


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Armor 120+11 MS DNT SOLD!

Gaunts 120 BBM MS SOLD!

Boots 120 BBM MS SOLD!

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Hello im selling the following items :

Mech Items

Bow 120 +11 MS lvl/1 -1 -0 = 200kk

Sword 120 +11 MS dnt = 250kk

Armor 120 +11 MS dnt = 250kk SOLD!

Armor 116 +13 MS good stat = 80kk

Gaunts 120 BBM MS = 50kk SOLD!

Boots 120 BBM MS = 50kk SOLD!

Brace 120 MS lvl/1 BOM good stat = 120kk

Scythe 120 +11 MS lvl/1 -3 -0 = 50kk

Shield 114 +12 MS = 50kk

Claw 122 MS lvl/1 Perfect dmg bom = 70kk SOLD!

Summer Suit MS BOM = 120kk


Prs Items

Staff 120 PRS -1 -2 BEM (Best Enigma Mix) = 30kk

Orb 114 +11 PRS = 35kk

Gaunts 114 PRS BBM = 30kk

Boots 114 PRS BBM = 30kk

Brace 114 PRS lvl/1 BBM = 30kk


Post here your IGN if you want to buy any of the items or PM me in forum or ingame :)


my IGN : killermech

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Armor 116 +13 MS good stat = 80kk SOLD!


Btw people keeps asking for discounts,



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im interested in prs gaunts and staff.

pm me ingame: Liliana



aww forgot to update that i sold staff :P

still have gaunts tho :)

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im interested in prs gaunts and staff.

pm me ingame: Liliana



aww forgot to update that i sold staff :P

still have gaunts tho :)


bro sw 120 +11 dnt ms send pm for me in game -mr.awesome- thx xD

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im interested in prs gaunts and staff.

pm me ingame: Liliana



aww forgot to update that i sold staff :P

still have gaunts tho :)


bro sw 120 +11 dnt ms send pm for me in game -mr.awesome- thx xD

ok i will pm you ingame :)

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UP! Updated what items are sold!




Now starts Weekend Discount :) check out the prices in red! those are prices with discount!

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