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Game etiquette & unwritten rules

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for me ks and looter deserves ban

Yeah ksers and looters both suck but i tend to agree with thor on this one. The game is alot better when people self police themselves.  My advice is to get into a strong clan that way anytime someone ks you, you have a clan that can back you up. ;)

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well my suggest would be


having some rules

- No ksing

- No bad language

- No scamming


atleast these things should be reportable.

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I understand people want to help their friends first, but if there's an open slot in your party invite strangers!

To be honest, I am suffering from this right now.. Clan parties have taken over the server from DS to CT2.

Can't get a spawn to myself, and I can't get in any parties because I am in my own clan right by myself.

you got something wrong about MMORPG's... go play a solo game.

you prove yourself wrong with this point.

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for me ks and looter deserves ban

Yeah ksers and looters both suck but i tend to agree with thor on this one. The game is alot better when people self police themselves.  My advice is to get into a strong clan that way anytime someone ks you, you have a clan that can back you up. ;)

this game WONT be alot better if people 'self police themselfs' it'll be a total mess

lets say  your a low levl , and then a high level wants your spawn he'll take it right over and you can't do anything about it ? words, loot , those stuff are easy to avoid but Ks'ing deserves ban

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for me ks and looter deserves ban

Yeah ksers and looters both suck but i tend to agree with thor on this one. The game is alot better when people self police themselves.  My advice is to get into a strong clan that way anytime someone ks you, you have a clan that can back you up. ;)

this game WONT be alot better if people 'self police themselfs' it'll be a total mess

lets say  your a low levl , and then a high level wants your spawn he'll take it right over and you can't do anything about it ? words, loot , those stuff are easy to avoid but Ks'ing deserves ban


1.Ept was "self-policed" and it worked just fine


2.If admins are tied up with ks reports it takes away from time they could be using to develop the game, work out bugs, etc.


3.If your a low lvl and some idiot decides to ks you than the answer is simple go lvl up some were else, its a big game with many spawns go find one thats not occupied.  If the guy that ks you is a high lvl than he's the noob not you. Now if he follows you to the next spawn than thats were a Gm needs to step in.


Just remember no matter how many people are banned because of ks there will always be 2 more people to take there place. It is what it is. When people try to ks me, I just keep fighting and ignore them they wont get the exp they want and 9 times out of 10 they just leave.


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well if again theyre much higher levl than you they wont leave and your the one wholl be screwd up at the end.

and what your saying is , if some high level decides to take my spawn  I should just take my feet and leave there ? how about if im catching the hs and im having a good party and my exp are flying?


isnt that lame and pissing ? blah how can u guys be so easy


and about your last sentence , no , your definitley -wrong

when people will see that other kseers get punishment for their actions they wont do the same

people arent dumb they wont dare to if theres a sticky rule

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If you have played on any other server you know that they all had ksers and looters in them no matter what the rules were for that server. Sheepco summed it up best:

Let me please refer to ept.

Ept had rules, but who were there to enforce them? No one..


How did it go for ept? Actually it went good. People left because of the lack of gm's. But that wasnt because they werent there to enforce the rules, it was because they werent there to make the game "fun" at times, with events and such.


Having no rules forces people to take matters into their own hands, which imo is a good thing.

Other than that, having no rules means people can ks and talk shit. But hey? Do you go to prison for talking shit to another person irl? I think not.

The ksing part? Yes well, if someone is known for ksing, that person will get "-rep" and no one is willing to party that person and such.


I think as a community we should make a thread where we put the name of people who ks, loot, or whatever, in.

That way, you can check for yourself wether or not the given person is "good or bad".


Imo, i think its a harder "punishment" to be sort of excluded from the community, than just being banned for a week.

Other than that, common curtesy is always a good thing to have in mind. You dont wanna be ks'ed, so why should you?


I hope personally there wont be any rules. Its way better to take things in you own hand than just run crying to an admin.

Stand up for yourself, please.


Getting a bad rep in a small gaming community like this is like a poison.  Nobody whats to help a kser or looter, nobodies going to party them because they dont want to be around a kser. Thats what i mean by "self-policing". Anybody who puts the hours into lvling up the right way is not going to want anything to do with a kser or a looter and with a bad rep, people who would normally be helpful will reject them. Dont look at the problem as a victim. Realize that 99% of the server hates ksers and looters the same way you do and will have you back if you get ks'ed. 


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If you have played on any other server you know that they all had ksers and looters in them no matter what the rules were for that server. Sheepco summed it up beast

ofc there is and there will always be ksers..

but Obviously Less than what is it now if we had rules (:

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well my suggest would be


having some rules

- No ksing

- No bad language

- No scamming


atleast these things should be reportable.

I disagree on all points... Imo even scamming should be allowed. It's your own fault if you trust someone with your items/accounts that you can't trust. You shouldn't do it. Just like in real life, you don't go giving strangers big loans and hoping to get them back...  ;D


banks do that, and when u dont pay back, u get punished.

besides, this is a game , fairplay should be motivated and playing like a dick should be punishable.

ofcourse that would be bad for u :P

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well my suggest would be


having some rules

- No ksing

- No bad language

- No scamming


atleast these things should be reportable.

I disagree on all points... Imo even scamming should be allowed. It's your own fault if you trust someone with your items/accounts that you can't trust. You shouldn't do it. Just like in real life, you don't go giving strangers big loans and hoping to get them back...  ;D


banks do that, and when u dont pay back, u get punished.

besides, this is a game , fairplay should be motivated and playing like a dick should be punishable.

ofcourse that would be bad for u :P

You just missed my point completely, and at the point where you have to start referring me as "dick", you have already lost the arguement.


Of course you disagree, you KS people everywhere you go...


I agree with allowing scamming...


And thanks for the happy Xmas you gave me, Thor ;D


I'd buy a Redbull for you if I could.

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ksing and looting is just a childish and jerk action

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well my suggest would be


having some rules

- No ksing

- No bad language

- No scamming


atleast these things should be reportable.

I disagree on all points... Imo even scamming should be allowed. It's your own fault if you trust someone with your items/accounts that you can't trust. You shouldn't do it. Just like in real life, you don't go giving strangers big loans and hoping to get them back...  ;D


banks do that, and when u dont pay back, u get punished.

besides, this is a game , fairplay should be motivated and playing like a dick should be punishable.

ofcourse that would be bad for u :P

You just missed my point completely, and at the point where you have to start referring me as "dick", you have already lost the arguement.


i didnt

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Ditto to main post..


however, most of the time though.. players KNOW what they are doing (when they ks etc) but they play ignorant to these unwritten rules. If you could punch someone through the monitor screen.. things would change.


pitty you even had to bring etiquette up in the get go.



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At the beginning of game, it's bad to do this, because it is normal cases of KS.

I think they should do it later, but because it will disrupt the maps of hunting.

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Guest tiaben

Respect to be respected, etc.


Anyway, I really enjoy it without rules. Enforcing the rules yourself is the best way. Clanwars, etc, really fun..  :D


Having no stupid ks/looting/whatever bs rules is just perfect. This forces people into thinking more about their actions and opens a lot more of possibilities how to play and handle diffrent situations.


It really would not be necessary if rules are idiots just like you would not be doing shit by the server, if you and your minions to follow the unspoken rules of existing would be good, I know you want the server to the land of nobody, but not everyone is accustomed to be guided by the lack of principles existing in your RL.

If I had learned that those who arrive first preference is the best place and that everyone has the same rights as you and your group to evolve the game, would not even be discussing topics on the need for rules.

The rules aim to curb abuses of individuals just like you, who are owners of the server.

PS: Should I get the words written action, after all who invade others spawn with the group and is the spawn is you, why not think about what to do before? SMI!!!


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our RL does not affect our gameplay, but if you say that works, let me try that on you fella.


you critise other their RL because your stepfather abused you at a younger age and when you told your mother she'd tell you to stfu. Everything you did was never enough, when you invented that engine that runs on water your stepfather asked you? can you fly boy? you said no and he said go work on that on the roof.


so yeah dr house your life isn't so valueable also according to your retarded theories.

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Guest tiaben
so yeah dr house your life isn't so valueable also according to your retarded theories.


My dear idiot, I am not guilty if he had no opportunity to study, not theories, facts are, if you had looked at the SS would have posted since the amoeba and its followers invading alien spawn, so I have to tell you is that in addition the blind is retarded.

Could have done without this, went where it was called and was ownado.

It's the end of time, yet my instructional level is being considered as something bad, calling me with Dr. House if it were something negative to me, after a small amoeba, have an undergraduate degree in medicine should be the dream of any reasonable person, not worth my case, my area of expertise is another. SMI.

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dude you do know that ppl in my msn link me to you stuff with the text saying "check this retard out if you need a laugh".


I'm not a follower of anyone, im just down with these peeps. Thor has no control over me incase you didnt know.

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Guest tiaben
Thor has no control over me incase you didnt know.


There seems to be true, because after he had performed the acts, everyone will enjoy the benefits of what he gets, so if there is no agreement, there is something similar.

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Thor is no body, he listens to me. I am the mastermind behind everything.  8)

Guys... Seriously... Stop crying about thor... form big strong parties and ks him back. BC was such a disapointment for 2 weeks. I had to kill my own clan to have some fun.




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