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B>ms and prs items read and ty

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ms items :

jav 122 perf mix sph or 126 jav mix sph  or  clean

must be perf dmg ms lvl 1 or -1-1 stats

great shield dnt ms clean or +20 or bsm


prs items..

all 110-120 items plus20

pm me here or in game

my nick = j.c.vandam


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ms items :

jav 122 perf mix sph or 126 jav mix sph  or  clean

must be perf dmg ms lvl 1 or -1-1 stats

great shield dnt ms clean or +20 or bsm


prs items..

all 110-120 items plus20

pm me here or in game

my nick = j.c.vandam


Can you write it in Here ?

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ms items :

jav 122 perf mix sph or 126 jav mix sph  or  clean

must be perf dmg ms lvl 1 or -1-1 stats

great shield dnt ms clean or +20 or bsm


prs items..

all 110-120 items plus20

pm me here or in game

my nick = j.c.vandam


Can you write it in Here ?


if you mean what items...so items i look for it:

wand 104-116 +18-20....robe 106-110-114 +18-20

orb 110-120 +18-20



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