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It's December 1st here in California...

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already 2nd of december here in brazil (gmt -3)


looks like rpt staff got a bit late in their release schedule...

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Damn you guys, so sick about that topics.


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@kingFran I'm so tired of rpt staff saying this and that is coming to the game and then they never come through. Or atleast be a buddy with us and say "hey patch is being pushed back a couple days" or something instead of leaving us in the darkness

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patience guys this new map + xmas event is not easy for GM only u guys can gift to GM is to wait more time  ::)

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@kingFran I'm so tired of rpt staff saying this and that is coming to the game and then they never come through. Or atleast be a buddy with us and say "hey patch is being pushed back a couple days" or something instead of leaving us in the darkness

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@kingFran I'm so tired of rpt staff saying this and that is coming to the game and then they never come through. Or atleast be a buddy with us and say "hey patch is being pushed back a couple days" or something instead of leaving us in the darkness


Exactly, the fact that ist not released isnt that bad, the fact that we get no Infos is the Problem :(

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the new map doesn't exists.


you all were fooled  ::)

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December 02, 2013, 14:51:19 Dutch time :)

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December 1st.



But Wartale didn't said which year... kakakakkakakkaakakaka



Relax ppl, we already waited for so long... 3 days won't kill nobody.  :P

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I understand both sides.


I think is the waaaaaay better wait some days more to get a patch instead a bugged one. BUT, would be better if players got some info why it got delayed. Sander gave us a date to it be released, and no informations why it doesn't happen or when will be released.

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They can delay the update a week or month, no Problem.

but if I dont give my "customers" Information that the "product" is not ready at the release date, ist normal that the customers get angry D:

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Here is the info we wanted: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=103480.0



3. The Iron Update: 1 december Delayed 3 days

Includes Iron Core EXP Map (132) and Mystery Continent union



Delayed to December 4th.


All we have to do now is wait while hunting on DI (for those who are 132+, ofc kakakakakaka)

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I just want to say: if u decide to make an Update Outlook, then make sure u can keep your promises...  :-\

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I just want to say: if u decide to make an Update Outlook, then make sure u can keep your promises...  :-\


represented the disapointment of all rpt players there, mate.

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Here is the info we wanted: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=103480.0



3. The Iron Update: 1 december Delayed 3 days

Includes Iron Core EXP Map (132) and Mystery Continent union



Delayed to December 4th.


All we have to do now is wait while hunting on DI (for those who are 132+, ofc kakakakakaka)

Lets wait then xD

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Here is the info we wanted: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=103480.0



3. The Iron Update: 1 december Delayed 3 days

Includes Iron Core EXP Map (132) and Mystery Continent union



Delayed to December 4th.


All we have to do now is wait while hunting on DI (for those who are 132+, ofc kakakakakaka)

Lets wait then xD


yeh  ;D but i think that more 3days have extention BWHAHAHA

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lol ppl cant wait shit xD


we can wait. just pisses us off that we aren't notified until 80% of the players start questioning them.

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they put new features and no one bats an eye....delay a feature a little and everyone losts their minds

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