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abbreviation for new classes

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saw a topic in br section where people guessed what would the abbreviation for the new characters be.


we got as for archers, ms for mechanicians, fs for fighters, ps for pikemans, mg or mgs for magicians, prs or pri for priestesses, ata for atalanta and ks for knights.


so, what do you think people are abbreviating the shamans and assassins?


for shaman


ss? sh? sha? shs? sns?


for assassins


assa? ans? asa? ass? <-- LOL

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Assassin => Eizo or Ass

Shaman => Sum (Summoner)


ASS = Assassin

SH = Shaman 



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Assassin => Eizo or Ass

Shaman => Sum (Summoner)


ASS = Assassin

SH = Shaman 



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I think ASSS (Assassin Spec) and SHS (Shaman Spec) are the most suitable options. :)

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- Check out my ASS, she can totally pwn you.



S> 140 ASS cheap pm fast

S> ASS armor



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Pike Spec = Ps / Pk (don't know why but here on rpt people call these 2 abbreviations.)

Fighter Spec = Fs / Ft (don't know why but here on rpt people call these 2 abbreviations.)

Priest Spec = Prs

Mage Spec = Mgs

Atalanta Spec = Ats

Archer Spec = As

Mech Spec = Ms

Knight Spec= Ks


Assassin = Ass ( It must be Ass, cause there already a As for Archer...)

Shaman = Shs or Sh

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i guess SH or SS is ok, but ASS is a little weird imo


maybe ASSA.


Shaman a like to call Shammy or Summy for sumonner, so cute  ::)



S> my ASS lvl 130 full

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Assassin => Eizo or Ass

Shaman => Sum (Summoner)



Sh *

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Assasin = Sin

Shaman= Man

Ex: S> Sin armor , Sin shield , Sin Dagger...

      B> Man robe , Man Orb..

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"hey bro, trade your SH 130 full for my ASS 134 naked?"






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Assassin = SH of Shemale

Sharman = FE of Female





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Assassin = SH of Shemale

Sharman = FE of Female





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