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Big Problem after the new 132 XP Map

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A new cool map for players above lvl 132 is cool, because they need more xp to be able to get some more lvls. But the xp for players who are 12x is terrible. The way it goes, players above 132+ will get lvls in a faster way than 12x to 13x, creating a huge lvl difference in the server. Ice mine quest is so damn hard for players who are new to the game and for some class like ps, fs, ks, its almost impossible because almost nobody gives party to these chars...


So the point is... how chars like fs, ks, ps around lvl 120 will be able to reach 130? And how fast players who are lvl 132 will get boost in xp with this new xp map? Because those players who are now 132 and above got a lot of xp with the old ICE MINE QUEST system. And the thing is new players will get this bomb and thats not the right way. Xp should be balanced for all lvls. Or the lvl difference will only increase and this will ruin the experience for new users. And probably push away those players.

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Uhh, bro.


One CT3q gives 30b EXP.

Let me make a list, of the amount of % gained for each CT3q on each level (may not be exact):

120: 10%

121: 9%/9.5%

122: 8%

123: 6.8%/7.5%

124: 6%/6.3%

125: 5%/5.4%

126: 4.2%/4.4%

127: 2.8%/3.2%

128: 2%/2.3%

129: 1.2%/1.5%

130: 1%


All percentages above are EXPERIENCE PER HOUR.

As u can see, it's not bad at all. For level 124+, AD2 could be better (not alot).

Untill level 128 these quest's are really good to do, after it, try to be a PRS/get a PRS and boost ur char in AD3.


Stop crying about this, if the XP would be too fast, there would be no fun at all.

I also can remember, that someone suggested to decrease the CT3 xp cuz it's alot for level 120/124.


About the 132 map:

It will be a 1x1 map, so u can't really boost another char.

This map has been specially made for all classes, except PRS.

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I know, but u are assuming that everyone will find his quest party and its not what happens. Because some classes are blacklisted in those quest. And thats the problem only who has a prist or pay for xp services will be able to reach 130. And how about ppl who is 132 and above? The new xp map may not have this problem and high lvl ppl will be able to lvl faster than people who is trying to reach 130 u know? Its too hard to reach 130 after the IMQ change, and this new xp map will come to help the high lvl players to get even more lvls. How about players around lvl 120-130. Its easy to say pay for xp service dude, find a pri and up, but every class should be able to find its way to lvl. Fs, ps, ks should have his place in a party to get lvls, some classes were left in the darkness. And this new xp map will probably ruin the actual xp system and create a huge lvl difference between players.

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i totally agree with you Greatshiled dude...with this kind of system maybe others will be out for good..and we all know why right? its so obvious that fs ks ps classes had a difficulty in finding pt..yes i can relate to this topic coz i am 126 fs,, and i am stocked in my lvl for more than a week now,,you can cheack if you like...i dont talk  anything else but to give some fair xpying of fs ks and ps classes,, its not that we want a very super duper xp, lol ....like i said i can have party within 3 hours minimum a day or i get luck have 4 hours party in row but after that party disbanded.. i am left alone,,, just going to mf3 getting golds,, but even if i get 10b  golds i am still lvl 126 lol......you can say its not hard mr enemies member player ^__^ no offense but you are already a high lvl player,, and all you care about is how get xp.... if you read what indicates in this game server is " have a friendly community" but my question is.. 'are you all friendly? if say so..then why not help new players like me? you wont coz you were thinking that i can surpass your lvl? thats a big lol bro and that would be  a problem on your part coz you wont let any player get into your level,what's the fun in this game if too many noobs around? maybe on your part not a big deal ^^ coz all you want is to become the only 14x players in this server... you know what if only i can have party 10 hours a day ,, i can surpass 14x players here... lol but thats just a dream coz i am stock in my 126 lvl..i am just still holding on and i am trying not to quit coz i love pt so much...but when time comes i get bored i quit anyway lol...... dont worry i am nothing here..just chillin and hoping and not complaining just suggesting ^^ so good luck and more power


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The dude has a point. I dont want all classes being able to lvl as faster as prist or whatever. But every class should have his spot to lvl. How many times i see fs, ks, ps or mage running around trying to find a party for hours... Its frustrating. When the old Ice mine Q system was there everyone who is now 132-135 enjoyed and got many lvls. But those ppl complained how fast new players are being able to reach 130 and it wasnt that fast after all. GM changed the system and turned the things hard and difficult, almost impossible for some classes. And now those players will receive a nice and shiny 132 map to reach 140 in a blink of an eye hell yeah, its good. But will it be fun when u look back and see the noob who was 125 before the map 132 comes out and is now 128, and u who was 132 and now is 137? Gm should decide what he wants here, cant let this happen.


RPT seems to be a balanced game not a imbalanced and boring one like the those out there.

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im 14x now, and when i exp 11x-13x was the same as now, and i dint complain.

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Uhh, bro.


One CT3q gives 30b EXP.

Let me make a list, of the amount of % gained for each CT3q on each level (may not be exact):

120: 10%

121: 9%/9.5%

122: 8%

123: 6.8%/7.5%

124: 6%/6.3%

125: 5%/5.4%

126: 4.2%/4.4%

127: 2.8%/3.2%

128: 2%/2.3%

129: 1.2%/1.5%

130: 1%


All percentages above are EXPERIENCE PER HOUR.

As u can see, it's not bad at all. For level 124+, AD2 could be better (not alot).

Untill level 128 these quest's are really good to do, after it, try to be a PRS/get a PRS and boost ur char in AD3.


Stop crying about this, if the XP would be too fast, there would be no fun at all.

I also can remember, that someone suggested to decrease the CT3 xp cuz it's alot for level 120/124.


About the 132 map:

It will be a 1x1 map, so u can't really boost another char.

This map has been specially made for all classes, except PRS.

ok, but who has no priestess as it gets? I'm 131 pt game with archer for me and not much of a problem now for a Ps, Ks, Fs, not ja and thus has a priestess who does not care and even take advantage of this situation thus requires that the sale of many that xp begins to play and lvl 120 to handle that and almost impossible in ct3 up and a lure for job en pa, these maps are very unfair xp are totally dependent priestess mind, I think the GM will create a Q or t2 and t3 damage less than xp ct3 not very well help the up and on the map 132 believe priestess is not rejected because it has a buf as the famous vl.

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im 14x now, and when i exp 11x-13x was the same as now, and i dint complain.

It wasn't the same, I think it was way harder that time

at lvl 110 we didnt had md1,2 and 3

we didnt had et1 quest after getting 110

and the time we reached 120, we couldnt go for ct3 quest


the problem is, new players wants to be 130 in a few days/weeks

it took us more then a years, but they seems to forget that point

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Ct3 = 30b exp

30b exp per hour


Alot on that level.

Stop cry.

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Ct3 = 30b exp

30b exp per hour


Alot on that level.

Stop cry.

Yeah Potato,


And i remember in 2011, when i was 120~130 in ad1 with a 3tt or 6tt party was around 23b exp per hour without potion exp. So, that exp is good.

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im 14x now, and when i exp 11x-13x was the same as now, and i dint complain.

It wasn't the same, I think it was way harder that time

at lvl 110 we didnt had md1,2 and 3

we didnt had et1 quest after getting 110

and the time we reached 120, we couldnt go for ct3 quest


the problem is, new players wants to be 130 in a few days/weeks

it took us more then a years, but they seems to forget that point



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