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first i want to say that is my opinin as a player that like to do 1x1 and check my char compre to ohter chars

anyway i am more 1x1 palyer then gang vs gang or gang on 2 and u know what i mean haha

so after  i pvp with like 10-12 ppl that all 14x + ofc  { i am 141 ms char}

i kinda beat all...and i lose to 2 player...both of them ps...one is 144...one is 132!


the story is.... i cant understand how ps 132 {even if full dnt items and boss 3 dnt} can kill in 1 hit  ms {the char that have the best def /abs in game} ??


now  ms its a good char and i know  he not max dmg at pvp at all..but still this skill of JC kinda un fair and shuold nerf or "fix" it

ohter wish.. all ps players will  have to do in  1x1 {compition/ event pvp/ or just pvp for fun} its keep wait with shield and pots non stop  until JC will sucess to kill 1 shot ANY PLAYER ANY CHAR WITH  MAX ITEMS.


p-s. i work and donate hard for my items and my lvl and i can say that my ms  have 95%-100% perf stats like dnt 130-132 { can ss if need to prove my topics on this subject}  +20 / bsm and boss set 3 dnt bsm as well .


and the pike 132 i lose {Gz to him btw he good person and cool to pvp with} stronger as he can be have lower lvl items and 90 stats less then 141 char...


so  my advice..if u want to make this game "blanaced" or just fair as much as can be....this JC skill of ps..must to get fix or nerf


thanks for read..and i will be glad to see admin/gm/rpt players comment on this...to maybe make this server even more better then now =]


{1 more thing....plz dont use the sentence " if u cant beat them..join them"..cus its wont fix the problem if ppl will change to ps cus this JC skill....."}.


have a nice day everyone...from mr.siro :)

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yow mr.siro.... i respect ur opinion, ^^ but i experienced x1 with a ps. i am 120 with ns items,,(i am fs ^^) and the ps is 12x with 120 sets.... he hit me many time with jc and it wont kill me 1 hit,,, maybe my case is different than urs, but i think ur items is bugged,, or skill of ps is bug on ms chars i think,, let gm check .... i strongly believe ms has high abs than other classes.. but when bug to something... ms is vulnerable ^^

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Mr.siro i pvp this ps 132 he keep kill me 1 hit just with J.C  or get Lucky and i see him pvp char full 130-132 +20 and he keep killing just 1 j.c



i got fs 138

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I think there is no reason to weaken the chars. Either make other stronger or fix the bug will be the "okay" thing to do.


Just my opinion. We get no benefit in making a char weaker. Can make the game boring if the characters are weak. :D

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Mr. Siro, I think there's no need to lower the damage of J.C. Just like what you've said what a ps will do "Go shield and pots fast until J.C is ready to deploy again". Why not do the same thing for your MS char also? As what I've notice especially for a player using MS char is that, there mentality is they don't need to pots a lot because they have high def and abs right? What I'm just saying is there are many ways to counter PS JC skill especially in BC which I'm not going to right it here  :P The only way MS can easily be 1 hit by a JC because MS dont have evade all you have is def and abs. But JC works always if a PS have a good build in stat with high crit also and AR not just by wondering what items he have. Anyway Just enjoy playing and dont forget the more you lost in a fight the more you will learn and become The best Fighter MS!  ;)   

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ty for all the opinin..

and dont mistake me guys lol i dont cry haha i love my ms and the work i did.

since i win so far  88% from the 1x1 i make

its just surprise me that 132 ps can kill 141 ms {with my gear} in 1 JC..


kinda  i cant belive on that


but...i just put it up to check what ohter ppl think about jc..


enjoy rpt :)

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welcome after. JC is pathetic


'-' , Just play game guys , for fun not to personal problem

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welcome after. JC is pathetic



didnt get what you mean bro


JC is op.


u are not alone with ur topic.

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ty my  BP's \o

are u talking about me, are u guys?

PikeMyWay here >.<

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welcome after. JC is pathetic



didnt get what you mean bro


JC is op.


u are not alone with ur topic.


haha plus 1 on that ... but i guess that is it so need live with that :)



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ty my  BP's \o

are u talking about me, are u guys?

PikeMyWay here >.<



haha ya i talk about the pvp with you ..

i didnt say anything bad or something like that ..

i juat was surprise that 132 ps can kill ms 141 in 1 hit (jc)


but if this is the game skills  so let it be

my opinin is just to nerf it ...

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How much times, do I have to tell u deaf people, that JC is NOT OP.

JC just has damn high ATK RTG, nothing wrong with that.

Everything, that makes JC OP, is Vanish... Nothing more, u understand?


Two examples:

1) If a 132 MS x1 a 132 PS (with Vanish):

Result: 90% Chance the PS wins due to JC


2) If a 132 MS x1 a 132 PS (without Vanish):

Result: 0% Chance the PS wins due to JC.


U understand it now?



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When 14X PK kill mobs slower than 13X mech, nobody bats an eye

When 13X PK kills 14X mech in PvP, everybody loses their minds


Until Shadow Clone is released, leave Vanish and JC alone =.=!

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When 14X PK kill mobs slower than 13X mech, nobody bats an eye

When 13X PK kills 14X mech in PvP, everybody loses their minds


Until Shadow Clone is released, leave Vanish and JC alone =.=!


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im ps 142 and i can beat all without use jc (except Neog xD). Stop cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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im ps 142 and i can beat all without use jc (except Neog xD). Stop cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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im ps 142 and i can beat all without use jc (except Neog xD). Stop cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy


xD dude! is nb hehehehe Im Morrison.

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im ps 142 and i can beat all without use jc (except Neog xD). Stop cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy


xD dude! is nb hehehehe Im Morrison.


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the ps is balance now. it's not Op . one time before the big patch occurred gm summon me in bless castle and test the assasin eye of ps that's why i think its not op anymore  :P  over all it is a pikeman class that's why he can kill 1 hit .

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Changelog Patch 3332:

Christmas Update

A Dock with Sailor Jack's Ship has been added to Battle Town

[move]Damage of Mechanician Skill Grand Smash is now reduced by 50% if Trine Shield is active[/move]

Time defeated of Hell's Gate boss is now announced

Bug Fixes and other Minor Changes

AntiCheat Update


Let the whining begin 8)

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Mr. siro again about pikemyway it was sold dont know if the seller rebuild it if not dont be surprise :)

Again ps has weakness it depends on you. ok im 122 ps even ps 145 cant 1hit me on jc why? ps 2 ps we both have evade

but it doenst count do your thing to survive. labyah^^

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When 14X PK kill mobs slower than 13X mech, nobody bats an eye

When 13X PK kills 14X mech in PvP, everybody loses their minds


Until Shadow Clone is released, leave Vanish and JC alone =.=!





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