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Game Formula questions?

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1) 1 abs = ? dmg reduction

2) Critical = ? x dmg

3) how defense work?

4) how attack rating work?

5) Can an AoE be blocked ?

6) How elemental def work ?

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As i guess, no one know. The most important things in game but no one know

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I used to know most of those formules but everything has changed. For all I know is that 1abs = 10hp that doesent drop/ effected

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1) For players, 1 point of absorb reduces any damage you take by 1 point. For monsters, it reduces damage it takes by 1%. PvP decreases the damage you do to other players, so it works a bit differently in practice there.

2) +70% or thereabout.

3-4) Defense and attack rating determines whether an attack actually hits. The higher your attack rating compared to your target's defense, the higher is the chance to hit. I don't know the exact calculation. Regardless of rating/defense, you always have at least a 5% chance of hitting and 5% chance of missing.

5) I don't think so. Defense seems to be irrelevant at least, but I'm not sure about block/evade.

6) Depends. Mostly it doesn't. Some skills have elemental components that have their effects altered by elemental resistance. For example: Rage of Zecram does (some) fire damage, which is reduced by some percent based on your fire resistance (25 resistance -> 25% reduced fire damage, I believe). Roar is a stun that is organic based and the duration is reduced by having organic resistance, if I remember correctly (again, 25 resistance -> 25% reduced duration). Extinction and Soul Sucker do organic damage, and organic resistance will give them a chance to miss (same deal; 25 resistance -> 25% chance to miss). In PvE, some monsters have skills with an elemental component, but they are rare.

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1) For players, 1 point of absorb reduces any damage you take by 1 point. For monsters, it reduces damage it takes by 1%. PvP decreases the damage you do to other players, so it works a bit differently in practice there.

2) +70% or thereabout.

3-4) Defense and attack rating determines whether an attack actually hits. The higher your attack rating compared to your target's defense, the higher is the chance to hit. I don't know the exact calculation. Regardless of rating/defense, you always have at least a 5% chance of hitting and 5% chance of missing.

5) I don't think so. Defense seems to be irrelevant at least, but I'm not sure about block/evade.

6) Depends. Mostly it doesn't. Some skills have elemental components that have their effects altered by elemental resistance. For example: Rage of Zecram does (some) fire damage, which is reduced by some percent based on your fire resistance (25 resistance -> 25% reduced fire damage, I believe). Roar is a stun that is organic based and the duration is reduced by having organic resistance, if I remember correctly (again, 25 resistance -> 25% reduced duration). Extinction and Soul Sucker do organic damage, and organic resistance will give them a chance to miss (same deal; 25 resistance -> 25% chance to miss). In PvE, some monsters have skills with an elemental component, but they are rare.


Actually the defense system of the game is unfinished defense.


I read on the official forum of the game that the defense system was to work with elements . A spell of water element would be more usual against a monster of fire element , while a fire spell would be ineffective , for example:


Watornado kill a lot faster a monster with fire element than any other elements. However does not work so .


If you have 100 resistance to fire, its final absorption to be 100 % more against the fire element ( the damage that the monster would cause would be halved ) . And if you have -100 (negative ) resistance to fire, its final absorption would be -100% ( ie , double damage) .


ps : It seems to me that they are improving this system , and the resistance will have more functionality soon... ,


ps2: They even added 3 new elements on the original server , water, air and some other element (can not remember now, I'll edit this post and search later )


For now is the most I know .


Should remember that realm is a game that was practically abandoned by the company in 2006 , or maybe even before that to start work on realm 2 . Now that realm 2 is closed they are giving value and investing in realm . They are picking up the canceled concepts and giving a retouched to spear them .


They are also working to finish some unfinished systems like defense system.


I think Wartale already know all this. Have an outfit in the game with 20 in water resistance. Wartale should already be upfront about it. I'll find out more about what is happening on the original server.

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From what I've seen, elemental resistance works just fine. You do get 200% elemental damage from -100 resistance (or a 100 weakness, if you prefer to call it that), and you do get 50% damage from 50 resistance. The problem is that elemental damage is not particularly clear cut. Some skills have it, others don't. Many have a mixed type damage, and many just behave in ways you wouldn't expect. Watornado that you mentioned, for example, does both physical and ice (cold/water) damage. It will also behave differently in PvE compared to PvP, but that is another issue. So yes, it will do more damage to monsters with a weakness to ice, but not quite the way you'd think. A 100 weakness to ice would actually cause 170% damage from Watornado rather than 200%, because of the mixed damage type the spell deals.


The problem is, there are few monsters in the game that use the elemental system at all. A Figon, which looks as if made by fire, does not do fire damage, nor does it have any resistance to it or weakness to ice. Bosses tend to just be immune to all elements. Some other monsters have some resistance to organic damage, which seems to be mostly to make Extinction (and Soul Sucker in some cases) less effective. So even if the system works, it is simply not used.


A second problem is that even if it was used, the nature of the game in the current state makes it a bit pointless at best, and just counter-productive at worst. If you're fighting 30 enemies, of which 1/5th resist fire and the rest don't, should you use the much weaker Watornado rather than Meteorite to kill them (although I'm pretty sure Meteorite is actually physical damage, but let's pretend it is fire for the sake of argument)? For that matter, how would you know what enemies resist what damage? Sure, Figons may be obvious, but most are not. In order for elemental resistance to make much sense, you'd need to a) let the players know what monsters are vulnerable or resistant to what element, b) add elemental damage to a lot of skills for several classes and be clear about it, and c) balance these skills so that you actually have valid options to use in different scenarios. It could be an interesting system to make combat a bit less tedious, but it needs a lot of changes to other areas as well for it to work.

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