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who better in pvp as or ata ?

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if both have  max gears ... and both for exp 142 or just same lvl

who better in pvp and why ?


p.s = what armor best in pvp for them .... ty for who help :)

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hard question..


i can't say to much coz im only 13x




1. it depends on the players, if you rly KNOW your as/ata ( helps alot )

2. if your going full agi with as i would say as CAN win easy, insane power, but shabby def.


armors for as


low str IMO

Dark gaia 20+ / bsm ( 80/90 hp )

Thales 20+


im not using heavy armor, so i cant say so much with that.

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As sucks atm. 2bad cus I love archers. Go for ata until as becomes wortwhile again.

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hard question..


i can't say to much coz im only 13x




1. it depends on the players, if you rly KNOW your as/ata ( helps alot )

2. if your going full agi with as i would say as CAN win easy, insane power, but shabby def.


armors for as


low str IMO

Dark gaia 20+ / bsm ( 80/90 hp )

Thales 20+


im not using heavy armor, so i cant say so much with that.

Shhh, don't listen to this noob huehueheu jk :*


OT: imo ata, cuz she use's shield + if u want armor.

Full agil ata dies too fast, but hits like a monster.



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As sucks atm. 2bad cus I love archers. Go for ata until as becomes wortwhile again.



as dont suck lmao.


start play and see urself. geez

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