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help itens of pris 12x

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I have some doubts. I have a pris 122 120 full mix. but I'm not good neither rings nor amy shelton.

which rings and amy and Sheltons you would advise me to buy? since not have much gold.

What are the options and what are its advantages and disadvantages?


sorry my bad english. i'm br


another doubts. what is the boost lvl/10 of dgs?

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Get Boss Set 1 PRS and BOM it.


Level /10 means your level devided by 10 = the boost

Example: HP Boost: level /10. Your level is (for example) 100, so u devide 100 by 10 = 10.

U get an HP boost of 10.

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Get Boss Set 1 PRS and BOM it.


Level /10 means your level devided by 10 = the boost

Example: HP Boost: level /10. Your level is (for example) 100, so u devide 100 by 10 = 10.

U get an HP boost of 10.


buy dgs then worth?

or have any disadvantages?

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Worth it.


Boss Set 1 only has advantages. It also add a total of 6 Absorb.

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it may cost me how much? the complete set in gold?

Clean around 600kk

Mixed around 750kk


Its the cheapest boss set.

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