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Whats the chance of an item braking during ageing?

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Whats the chance of an item braking during ageing?

and does it increase the higher the age?



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thats chance of fail, isn't that just chance to go -1 not break? or are they the same thing?

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its chance to de-ageing and breaking

when u use a copper ore, u won't break

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so going +20 if u use a againg stone instead of a copper ore u have a 48% chance of breaking?

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No, if u dont use an aging stone u have 48% chance of failing, which can be breaking or de-aging

if u use a ripe stone, its 38%, an aging stone 28%, an elder stone 18% and an arcane stone 8%

with the copper u have 48% chance of de-aging and none for breaking


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