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Why everyone is talking about the economy?

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Come on guys, this is a mmorpg, like in real life, the price of multiple items will depreciate with time. New best items will be released, and today it is almost impossible to buy an item 132 because they are very expensive. So if we have excess gold, also has a shortage of some items, if anyone wants to buy these items will have to shell out the gold accumulated.


For me there's nothing wrong with the economy, she's just going through phases.


Maybe in a few months your current items may be more expensive or cheaper, anyone does not predict the future, as in real life, but the idea is that over time the items will be devalued because it is a mmorpg, things new and better are released all the time...



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The problem is saturation and inflation. The game generates new money and items, but rarely does it destroy them. Real world economics is based on growth and consumption, while the world in RPT is fairly static.


If you look at gold, you can see the effects of inflation. As more gold enters the system, prices increase as each unit of gold becomes less valuable. There is no point selling an item you've spent an hour to find for an amount of gold you can get in a few minutes, or for an amount of gold that will make little difference to what you already have. Eventually, the economy will be saturated and gold will become completely useless. Gold is a pure currency and its value is defined only by what you can exchange it for. If everyone has gold and nothing to spend it on, there will be no reason to sell items for gold at all, no matter how much. An example of that is when people refuse to sell items for gold, only coins or other items.

Items have a similar development. Items are not pure currency as they have a use in themselves. The value is determined by basic supply and demand. Rare items, which is generally those items that are new to the game, have a higher value, whether in gold, or coins or some other unit of value. If, hypothetically, everyone got a set of perfect +20 132 items, what would happen to them in the economy? They'd become irrelevant as no one would have need of them and buy them. This is eventually what will happen, given enough time. No matter how rarely they drop, each item that drops is almost guaranteed to stay in the game. It may be destroyed during aging, but I would assume most people donate to ensure that won't happen. Meanwhile, it also causes a chain reaction. If I can replace a level X item with a level X+1 item, what will I do with my old one? Sell it, of course, which increases the saturation of that item, and the buyer will likely sell his or her level X-1 item down the chain, etc. Items lose their value once there is no one left to buy them, as can be seen by the fact that people will generally not even pick up relatively low level items, or just sell them to an NPC for gold. Wait long enough, that will happen to the brand new 132 items too.


It's kind of interesting really, because you have two factors at war here. On one hand, more items generated increase the supply and should therefore lower the prices of them. On the other, you have the inflation brought on by more gold entering the system that should increase the prices of the items. I haven't been watching so I'm not sure which side is winning at the moment. Prices may go up and down depending on what people are doing in the game. For example if everyone started doing SoD and never hunted for items, inflation would be the stronger force. Regardless, it does nothing to prevent the saturation scenario.


For both gold and items, you need to balance input/output if you want a long-term solution. Introducing some form of item decay to remove items from the game and encourage people to buy items other than those from the next tier, and more things to spend gold on (in ways that destroy the gold). Alternatively, you need the population to grow. New players increase demand to balance the increasing supply. Constantly adding new content may also serve to increase demand temporarily, but only at the top of the chain, or at whatever part of the chain the new content fits in. New players and content or lowering the drop rate is not really a solution though, it just masks or delays the symptoms somewhat unless you can it going indefinitely. My guess is that this is what many developers of MMORPGs are going for. It's not that they have a working economy, they just have or add enough content as they go compared to the player base to it to hide it, and don't expect the game to last long enough for the problem to manifest itself.

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Yes, I agree with your point. The price of the items will drop over time, it is normal.


The problem is because have so much items 128/132 to sell and no one for buy, either because players dont have enough lvl to use them or the ones that has the lvl requirement already have the items.


I believe, possibly with the Lottery System that possibly will be implemented this year eases this problem.

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Event xp or not rasing lv req when aged items  ;D Then items 128-132 easier to sell with higher prices than now

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I think an XP event and the lottery are good options.

And the lottery with iten prizes, not gold


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not rasing lv req when aged items  ;D

Give one reason to exp an char to 140+ if this is implemented ingame.


For why people will buy/exp a 140~150 char, if a 132~136 char can use all items with the highest aging?

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Yes, I agree with your point. The price of the items will drop over time, it is normal.


The problem is because have so much items 128/132 to sell and no one for buy, either because players dont have enough lvl to use them or the ones that has the lvl requirement already have the items.


I believe, possibly with the Lottery System that possibly will be implemented this year eases this problem.

I undertand you, makes a lot of sense. Really, there are few players interested in items 128/132, because it is difficult to reach this lv. And who is already in this lv already have this items.


I think an XP event and the lottery are good options.

And the lottery with iten prizes, not gold

I think the point is just right here.


There is no new system that will save the economy. New items were released, and the old items were devalued. Just ok. But had no increase in the rate of xp. I'm not saying you should, but people suffer for leveling to 120, let alone the lv 128/132, so it is acotecendo saturation with these items and no one wanting to buy.


EDIT: I think this event(xmas event) was excelete because leveled a little gold among the poor and the rich.


The poor have won prizes in the boxes! They sold their prizes, it was amazing! Ceased to be poor and went into the middle class.

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