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sandurr loves his ideas lol

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1) Possibility to PVP everywhere... No, I don't mean PK Fields ;D

Quote from: Wartale

Not for now


2) New Quests... And those should give EXP as reward...

Quote from: Wartale

Maybe later


3) Make the friend list be saved in your database, not in our PCs... If not, we can lose our friend list =/

Quote from: Wartale

Hmm, not worth the effort


4) You could make Spark damage be related to Mech's agi... Same for the bomb ( I don't really care about this one )... Why ? Auto-mechs would have a Skill to attack, not only buffs ;x

Quote from: Wartale



5) Skill Crystals... already here ?

Quote from: Wartale



6) New pets... I don't mean phoenixes... I really mean NEW PETS... Something like a Hopy, for example ;D

Quote from: Wartale

Oh really


7) STRONG Skill Balance... but I guess it's already working here ;D

Quote from: Wartale

It's to be done




Make other map to be the place of hunting for quests coz the actual ones are always really full of monsters.


Quote from: Wartale

It will be different


9) Make armors shine according to aging/mixing? ;D

Quote from: Wartale



10) As we see in many games, you could increase party exp sharing range... It could be something like the whole map ;x

Quote from: Wartale

No either


11) Working and notable elemental defense...

Quote from: Wartale

That's an idea


12) Edit Knight's Physical Training...

Quote from: Wartale

Hmm, no


13) Make Fire Elemental increase according to its level ;D

Quote from: Wartale

Not possible because it will bug it's fire balls


14) Make skill pets ( Golem, Wolverine... ) hit other players in PVP... Same for crystals or bad idea ? ;x

Quote from: Wartale

No, only Shadow Clone will do that, and that is why it's Shadow Clone is extra special


15) Make Spirit/Agi add at least 1HP every 2-3 points... Classes that need Spirit/Agi loses too much points adding HP, what make they lose too much damage, then killing in PVP is pretty difficult...

Quote from: Wartale



16) Manufacture system... cool for low rate servers ;D

Quote from: Wartale

25x isn't low rate imo, 25x might be twice as low as 50x but the server is atleast twice as fun


17) PT is not a game full of debuffs... The new Priestess skill might be a bit unsual... and 100% on all levels is non-sense...

Quote from: Wartale

I think you didn't understand the purpose of this skill

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I didnt really know where to place it.

But it was for the ideas and how sandurr loved his ideas

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8, 10 and 15


Shut up


Oh! Yes.. And for the number 1, shut the f up dude


I dont know you, but i really know that you didnt realise what those 4 points mean to the game.


Actually, i only agree with the glowing armor, pets attack pvp, new quests and strong skill balance (which mostly of you guys, want to ballance all the class EQUAL. What's the point of having so many classes if they are all equal. So i'm agree with some little changes in some classes, not the STRONG CHANGE i think you want. Like the last one i heard, make some skill against demon from FS to buff players in party, aaaff shut upp)

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