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S> XP Service PRO 128+

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Hi All!


I started to do xp service this month, anyone willing to buy our service

pm here on ingame GabiRox, MecBlau or Nonozinha

I traing 12/24.


GabiRox - Prs 137





Payment of 50% before and 50% when half of the service..



Only chars with exp pot will be accepted.



My prices are:



[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 128~129 =  1.200 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 129~130 =  1.500 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 130~131 =  2.000 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 131~132 =  2.500 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 132~133 =  3.000 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 133~134 =  4.500 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 134~135 =  5.000 coins

[glow=red,2,300]->[/glow] 135~136 =  6.000 coins




Nonozinha 128 -> 136




-CrazyRanger- 140~141

-[D]ief- 144~147

-aYumi- 134~138

Freek 138~139

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Ata 140 > 141 , How much with exp pot on ?

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Ata 140 > 141 , How much with exp pot on ?



5 exp pot

its gonna be finished with 8 - 10 days

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blauzinhu and i agreed on the folowing deal :



He exp my ata 140 > 141 for 6.500 coins and a 126+20  jav ata perf atk power .


5000 coins will be given right now , 1.500 and javelin on the end of the service.



Ty !

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blauzinhu and i agreed on the folowing deal :



He exp my ata 140 > 141 for 6.500 coins and a 126+20  jav ata perf atk power .


5000 coins will be given right now , 1.500 and javelin on the end of the service.



Ty !

OK confirm.

the serve will start tomorrow


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blauzinhu and i agreed on the folowing deal :



He exp my ata 140 > 141 for 6.500 coins and a 126+20  jav ata perf atk power .


5000 coins will be given right now , 1.500 and javelin on the end of the service.



Ty !

OK confirm.

the serve will start tomorrow


Finish service

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