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S>Wand 122+20// Set 128 BSm// ALL PRS DNT

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Wand 122+20 Prs Dnt = 4.5k


Set 128 Prs BSM Dnt = 10k(3.5k each)


Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  = 4.5k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 5.5k SOLD


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 5.5k SOLD


T-Set Prs BSM Dnt =  9.5k SOLD


Oferr pm


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Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  =  6k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Oferr pm


robe 128 +16 drop + how much in coins for urs?


orb 128 +15 drop  + how much in coins for urs ?



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Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  =  6k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Oferr pm


robe 128 +16 drop + how much in coins for urs?


orb 128 +15 drop  + how much in coins for urs ?


only sell or trade for 132 dnt, thks

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Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  =  6k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Set 128 Prs BSM Dnt


Oferr pm



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T-set = 9.5 / 4

2375kc each Throne, how much t-ring bro


This price is for complete set.


Obs = In coin shop t-set = 10.8k full and only t-Sheltons is 4.5k so each part is more expensive.

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Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  =  6k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Set 128 Prs BSM Dnt = 12k(4k each)


Wand 122+20 Prs Dnt = 4.5k


T-Set Prs BSM Dnt =  9.5k


Oferr pm

sw 130+20 ms + top in coins for set 128

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Staff 126+20 Prs Dnt  =  6k


Robe 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Orb 128+20 Prs Dnt = 6.5k


Set 128 Prs BSM Dnt = 12k(4k each)


Wand 122+20 Prs Dnt = 4.5k


T-Set Prs BSM Dnt =  9.5k


Oferr pm

sw 130+20 ms + top in coins for set 128


Thks so much

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