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Server maintenance till 10 pm?

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But its almost 11 pm v.v


Just new to this server and havent played PT in ages, is it my game client or can no one log in?


- Delano

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GM said 10pm.. but he didn't say wich day :P


Being serious now, dun worry, it's on Maint, it will be online soon, for sure :)

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GM said 10pm.. but he didn't say wich day :P


Being serious now, dun worry, it's on Maint, it will be online soon, for sure :)


hahaha december 31 2014 - 10 PM after 2hours happy new year  :o

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Awww, now I can't log in :(

Sander, it was a joke about the maint time, be nice! :P

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Hmm something's wrong, beacuse when I run launcher and try to log in my acc, I get "Server in Maintenance" or "Conection Failed", and when I logged in, server was empty, got 2 or 3 "Reconect 1/3" and my archer was w/o items lol.. so I guess we have to wait a bit more :)

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Sim sim provavelmente que os GMs estão testando os ''bangss'' já já tudo se normaliza ^^

se for passar 3 dias off GM MANDA UM EVENTO XP ehuehueh SQN


só nos resta esperar...

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Sim sim provavelmente que os GMs estão testando os ''bangss'' já já tudo se normaliza ^^

se for passar 3 dias off GM MANDA UM EVENTO XP ehuehueh SQN


só nos resta esperar...

Edu, for God, please talk in english, here is not BR area. xD love u <3

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lol nem me toquei kkkkkkk


é nisso que da fazer varias coisas ao mesmo tempo kkkkk


essa merda de chrome ta traduzindo automatico tenso kkkkkkkkk


nao cometerei essa gafe novamente essa foi a ultima vez kkkkk

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