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decreased skill jp = pike's dissapear in realmPT

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  Dear GM!!

  I just know that GM change some pike but not others char ???


    why only have to change the char pike???


  reaalmpt undergone a period long  and has compiled the balance sheet char skill. GM just hear aperson cried and changed by reducing the skill of pike Jp. It makes the game no  longer interested

   also increased skills  cs but they want to use this skill It takes a certain time. pending promote the skills whose have been killed

  I suggest to keep or increase in cl or sm skill to balance and a true playground

  thank you

  people always be side with realmpt

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  Dear GM!!

  I just know that GM change some pike but not others char ???


    why only have to change the char pike???


  reaalmpt undergone a period long  and has compiled the balance sheet char skill. GM just hear aperson cried and changed by reducing the skill of pike Jp. It makes the game no  longer interested

  also increased skills  cs but they want to use this skill It takes a certain time. pending promote the skills whose have been killed

  I suggest to keep or increase in cl or sm skill to balance and a true playground

  thank you

  people always be side with realmpt


English sir ! ;p

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  Dear GM!!

  I just know that GM change some pike but not others char ???


    why only have to change the char pike???


  reaalmpt undergone a period long  and has compiled the balance sheet char skill. GM just hear aperson cried and changed by reducing the skill of pike Jp. It makes the game no  longer interested

  also increased skills  cs but they want to use this skill It takes a certain time. pending promote the skills whose have been killed

  I suggest to keep or increase in cl or sm skill to balance and a true playground

  thank you

  people always be side with realmpt

haha your english is just amazing google translate should be banned x) Btw you Definitly got no ide what your talking about dont argue with somthing that makes no sense so its better to have an pikeman 130 1 hit an 150 mech? Yeah that makes sense skills are fine now just need delay on distorsion then its all good :P

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He's complaining  about the skill of the pikeman why did gm reduce the jc  damage I think much better if they  delay it . Even you increase the damage of cs its useless because it has delay/charging .before it cast fs or ata killed the ps already.


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hahahaha now you are crying because you abuse at bc from jump, you just hit and run with the jump..

now pvp for ps will be balanced..


and ps still being strong.. now has less chance to kill by 1 hit with JC but SM and CS can kill by 1 hit..

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hahahaha now you are crying because you abuse at bc from jump, you just hit and run with the jump..

now pvp for ps will be balanced..


and ps still being strong.. now has less chance to kill by 1 hit with JC but SM and CS can kill by 1 hit..

true  8) poor LHX now cant hit and run

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what wrong  with that? im not trying to protect him or something but at least he have try to google translate and speak out on 4rum. you know not all the people on this planet speak fluent english, and its harder for those whose have english as their second language. im just saying, dont have to be so -.

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what wrong  with that? im not trying to protect him or something but at least he have try to google translate and speak out on 4rum. you know not all the people on this planet speak fluent english, and its harder for those whose have english as their second language. im just saying, dont have to be so -.

what can you expect from 5 years old kids ? 

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Oh, they want fast casting 1 hit KO skill back.


Ah, and they say CS is bad cause of charging.



What about GROW SOME BALLS and start fighting, besides trying to one shot everything? ^-^

best cmt  :P

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google's worst release was the google translator...


Si uno escribe bien en su propio idioma, google traductor hace bien la traducción.


Ahora bien, el problema es la velocidad del cs, que es muy lenta :(

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stop crying

atleastn ow the pike req. more skill to be played right.

btw did anybody noticed that this game doesn't req skill anymore? it's all abt gear and lag

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hahahaha now you are crying because you abuse at bc from jump, you just hit and run with the jump..

now pvp for ps will be balanced..


and ps still being strong.. now has less chance to kill by 1 hit with JC but SM and CS can kill by 1 hit..


stupid. Ata is queen now im bc... Range with 1 hand 1 hit Ko... With 3 skill T5...


Ps got one stupid skill T5 on... Not train, not hunt, not up...


And now? Not kill one im bc...


Cs? 7 second to casting... One ata hit 5 or 6 time...


T> Ps 143 for ata 132 pm me

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I get what are you trying to say , do not be mad .


They all have a native english language :)

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The ata is OP now in bc. Instead of pike.

the mage and pikeman is instinct

The pikeman is killer  the mage is support

Pikeman for bc mage for bc (hunting and xp not included)

B> atalanta full


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before patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, can BC

after patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, cant BC


all char ofwthow many player enjoy

- Mage (some, BC OP with Distortion nice skill)

- Pries (any, oh good char for exp)

- K9 (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- Ata (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- As (any, hunt and BC good)

- FT (any, oh strong with weapon 1hand and shield)

- PS ( some, now some again, only for BC and cant kill with shield, and now i dont know? ps will go where?. PS was char killer, was char number1 of BC, but now was Shit =,=. thanks GMs.

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before patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, can BC

after patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, cant BC


all char ofwthow many player enjoy

- Mage (some, BC OP with Distortion nice skill)

- Pries (any, oh good char for exp)

- K9 (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- Ata (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- As (any, hunt and BC good)

- FT (any, oh strong with weapon 1hand and shield)

- PS ( some, now some again, only for BC and cant kill with shield, and now i dont know? ps will go where?. PS was char killer, was char number1 of BC, but now was Shit =,=. thanks GMs.


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bad players of pikeman! if you do not know play,change of classe,your terrible and cowards.


only bsb you want!noobs

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bad players of pikeman! if you do not know play,change of classe,your terrible and cowards.


only bsb you want!noobs

auto player get level stop please... we're dont need you online ^^

i play rpt a longtime only one char, one class why? because i love my char... :)

you close all with me, you change other class and closed again, you only crying with GM and donattion for Him help U. ^^. okey! we're quit ^^

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before patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, can BC

after patch

pikeman cant hunt, cant pvE, cant BC


all char ofwthow many player enjoy

- Mage (some, BC OP with Distortion nice skill)

- Pries (any, oh good char for exp)

- K9 (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- Ata (any, good hunt, BC and attack with shield)

- As (any, hunt and BC good)

- FT (any, oh strong with weapon 1hand and shield)

- PS ( some, now some again, only for BC and cant kill with shield, and now i dont know? ps will go where?. PS was char killer, was char number1 of BC, but now was Shit =,=. thanks GMs.

Can't you just use CL and CS like before? can't you play without one-shotting with JC? what a noob

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