Rhyax 0 Report post Posted February 25, 2014 moar plz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LotonTow 0 Report post Posted February 25, 2014 -" post="634515" timestamp="1393253476"] And if you really think im stupid retarded, look this: Eli (LotowTow) told 90% of clan was active yesterday and you told he count like 0.1 and the rest is 89.1, what fuc.k is this logic? If she told 90% why hell you speaking shit right here? Please explain me, i don't understand your asian logic, must to be very advanced to my brain. ;/ Cmon, give me the honor to talk with you, master. : thanks mate ,,,,and this uae so stupied where you bring your math to this post ? all i said that we beraly come 90% on where you see 89.1 +0.1 ? and btw just for the record ,, i have my own stores in israel and italy ,, dont bring who smart or who more rich cus its not the place and not the topic to do it cus you cant win in this case trust me i will never show off cus i come from very down in my life and thanks god now i build a happy life with money in the bank until god will take me to the ohter world. the thing is ,, when we lost you guys talk so much shit like this game cuontrol your life ,,, so now after we come almost 90% our ppl + allinces we won we want to be happy in our side .. so my point .. stop talk shit about our side , stop think you guys are god , and stop show off !!! leran to respect players ( _1_ pklucifer michel angelo can teach you what is 1x1 pvp mean i respect them for that) no1 gona play forever ,, we here for fun ,, sometimes your side up sometimes down ,, its just a game . topic close ! and gz again all our allinces and clans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites