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yea I agree thats why i dont play anymore :/ it's not fun to play against donators

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Well Guys,


I just expose my point of view:


I already player with FS, AS , MS, MGS, PRS i see to strong points on KS


=> Tank on BC;

=> Huge Hunter in D.I and Ice Mine;


KS isnt a hit killer on BC, but if u give to ks a skill to make it, the char will be O.P, why? Have skill that give Defense and don´t withdraw nothing, Attack Power same thing, Bonus Attack for Party vs Undead, Defense vs Undead.


Only KS and Prs have this efetives bonus vs monster type.


Mechanician have bomb with bonus vs demon (who use it?)

Fighter have Bone Crusher (who use it?)

MGS have nothing

ATA don´t have bonus too

Pike have bonus vs demon on jumping crash (who use it?)


The point is, knight is a balanced class, and hes can be a balanced char for use on any situation.


FS have a great damage, but low abs, def, and isn´t a good exper ou hunter class for solo.


ATM on Rpt, i have a fs 14+ for PVP , BC and a Knight 14x for Hunt as i like hunt.


For me, change something to turn KS a stronger char, will be ruin with ballanced classes that we have today on RPT.


But like i said, its my point.

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yea I agree thats why i dont play anymore :/ it's not fun to play against donators


acting smart on the forum wont help ya.

shut it

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yea I agree thats why i dont play anymore :/ it's not fun to play against donators

Aff :(

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yea I agree thats why i dont play anymore :/ it's not fun to play against donators

Aff :(




But yea, KS kinda deserves a little buff

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Well Guys,


I just expose my point of view:


I already player with FS, AS , MS, MGS, PRS i see to strong points on KS


=> Tank on BC;

=> Huge Hunter in D.I and Ice Mine;


KS isnt a hit killer on BC, but if u give to ks a skill to make it, the char will be O.P, why? Have skill that give Defense and don´t withdraw nothing, Attack Power same thing, Bonus Attack for Party vs Undead, Defense vs Undead.


Only KS and Prs have this efetives bonus vs monster type.


Mechanician have bomb with bonus vs demon (who use it?)

Fighter have Bone Crusher (who use it?)

MGS have nothing

ATA don´t have bonus too

Pike have bonus vs demon on jumping crash (who use it?)


The point is, knight is a balanced class, and hes can be a balanced char for use on any situation.


FS have a great damage, but low abs, def, and isn´t a good exper ou hunter class for solo.


ATM on Rpt, i have a fs 14+ for PVP , BC and a Knight 14x for Hunt as i like hunt.


For me, change something to turn KS a stronger char, will be ruin with ballanced classes that we have today on RPT.


But like i said, its my point.


dude, fs, ata and as does have stuff against demons!! archer even has against normal monsters!!


but yea, give specialties to the various characters against other types of monsters (more than they already have) could be an interesting addition, indeed.


mgs dont need anything coz we already pwn in every single way  8)


yea I agree thats why i dont play anymore :/ it's not fun to play against donators


realmpt is the one and only one online f2p donation based game that i've played that you can be the very best without spending a single dime on the game. just have to buy perf items that others sell, sell gold in exchange of coins and with a lot of time and dedication be high lvl and deserve to be a good equipped, high lvl player, besides, sander does his best to give players the best priston tale experience possible you wont find in ANY OTHER pt server.


if you're a true priston tale gamer/fan/enthusiast/old school/hardcore, there is no other place to play besides here.


learn to use donators to your advantage!!

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