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Guess who's back?

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Yo fellow RPT Players!


I guess many of you won't recognize me, but, well, my RPT hiatus is over.





Well, i'm missing RPT waaaaaaaaaay too much, wondering how well Heretics is doing... Also wondering if Wartale and his RPT staff are fine.


Would like to see how well the server is doing, more about the development part. I see Wartale released a Knight T5, Holy Aura... But kinda doesn't understand what it does... Logged to check it for myself, aparently it gives HP regen, and some kind of aura life steal, but, i'm wondering what this hit counter do when you charge these numbers of hits.


DarkLink64, The Knight without Sword and Double Crash enthusiast is back!


Maybe if you guys tell me what changed in the server in the past year, would help me to get myself more familiar with the comunity and the game :)



Well, thanks! And for who doesn't remember me, nice to meet ya!

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Hiya Luiz :)


Good to see u're back again :D


Heretics is doing great atm, we got a nice and active clan :)

And ofcourse u're welcome back ;)


Just catch some1 of us ingame to see if there's some1 around to invite u.

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Oho! Thanks everyone :P


And, look who's here... Jo! It's been a long time we don't talk! It's also good to see you're fine, alongside with H. I'm not fully engaged to game yet, so, i'll wait a little before catching someone to invite me :P


Nice to see Lonz is the same spammer as ever, Ices is exping the fruit off, And Illu, miss the days we exped together on FT1/2 <3

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