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Question about AGING

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Hello guys, I have a doubt on Aging for you. I talked to 4 different people, and all had a different explanation on Aging here in TOR, but my biggest question is:


When you get the chance to break the item? Is the [+8 to +9] or [+10 to +11]?


I ask this because I am with some very good items and wish to give them up +8 Aging, but I'm afraid they might break in the process.


Yes, I saw the table on the website, but I also remember that this table used to be different, and I remember that formerly was a chance to break 8% lower than the chance to just fail, so would really only the +10 to +11.


Thanks and sorry because I found no other topic about it.

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whatever, if it breakes and website says it shouldn't, then just send bug report and you'll get your item back.

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Item can break going +9 but has a very slim chance of breaking,..



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Yes, it does break. You can see it is a SMALL SMALL SMALL chance, but it's possible xD


If you are afraid, use Cooper Ore. It won't let your items break on aging.

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=/ now I'm scared ç.ç


I've aged my armor and shield to passed +19..


All without aging stone.. my shield got all +1s ..


It's all about how gutsy u feeling. :P


the sense of getting a +1 at +19 without an aging stone is just fun. ^_^

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I use only cooper for +1 to +20


Close your eyes and click!







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My 124 armor break going to +9 :) and then i almost broke my chair h3h3h3h3

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I use only cooper for +1 to +20


Close your eyes and click!








bro cala a boca you cant help him you just spam  :-X

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I use only cooper for +1 to +20


Close your eyes and click!








bro cala a boca you cant help him you just spam  :-X


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I use only cooper for +1 to +20


Close your eyes and click!








bro cala a boca you cant help him you just spam  :-X

yea lonz hate spammers 8)

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