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Pikeman (Maybe a new killer for CT3 Quest ?)

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So guys with this new pikeman's skills would be possible kill in ct3 with Tornado + Venon Spear ?


This new T5 Skill increase range of Tornado in 100% and maybe he can kill without take any damage.


Am I right ?


And just to warn you, Venon Spear have a better thamage than other classes skill.

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I think not, Archer work because of the crit boos on perfo, atalanta skill hits multiple times (unless im mistaken) and mage/prs are less affected by the curse, pike venom spear has a nice boost but only hits 8 targets, and tornado boos not strong enough to offset the curse. it has been a while since i played though so if i am mistaken correct me. but i think the other killers have advantages in their skills that pike do not

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I think not, Archer work because of the crit boos on perfo, atalanta skill hits multiple times (unless im mistaken) and mage/prs are less affected by the curse, pike venom spear has a nice boost but only hits 8 targets, and tornado boos not strong enough to offset the curse. it has been a while since i played though so if i am mistaken correct me. but i think the other killers have advantages in their skills that pike do not


In your opinion pike could be the best lure then ?

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Pike would get slapped in the face and die by all those monsters anyway when comming close to do melee damage.

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I think not, Archer work because of the crit boos on perfo, atalanta skill hits multiple times (unless im mistaken) and mage/prs are less affected by the curse, pike venom spear has a nice boost but only hits 8 targets, and tornado boos not strong enough to offset the curse. it has been a while since i played though so if i am mistaken correct me. but i think the other killers have advantages in their skills that pike do not


In your opinion pike could be the best lure then ?


ks  is best lurer ... holy valor buff to killers just totaly good :)

ohter lurer class give noting  so ya  ks owen them All

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I think not, Archer work because of the crit boos on perfo, atalanta skill hits multiple times (unless im mistaken) and mage/prs are less affected by the curse, pike venom spear has a nice boost but only hits 8 targets, and tornado boos not strong enough to offset the curse. it has been a while since i played though so if i am mistaken correct me. but i think the other killers have advantages in their skills that pike do not


In your opinion pike could be the best lure then ?


Pikes are the best lurer for sure. While luring he uses his venom, bringing the quest time down to 30 ~ 35 minutes.

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