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Good news, u guys now can exp w/o wait to a prs to come! Thank you Sandy <3

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God hear me, thanks to Wartale that could fell that and now all mobs are -20% dmg its means they are weakened! Now u can go and make a nice pt w/o need to wait a prs.


Thats not mean  prs wouldnt be wellcome anymore, they still own to get a nice exp! But the good thing now is, we dont need to find a prs to exp..


Go and check urself the change! Comments are ALSO wellcome !



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Yeah I now enjoy leveling, it was not fun the way it was at all.


Its a good change.

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This is the most retard thing


Thanks for killing the point of being tanker, now any shit can tank

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This is the most retard thing


Thanks for killing the point of being tanker, now any shit can tank


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What about give me a boost to kill things fast then?


Because anyone tank now, but who have massive killing power still killing things fast. The classes that have lower power still have low power

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Indeed, sad to see the staff is getting forced to do changes like this. :/

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The damage of bosses seem to be lower now too


As I said: thanks for killing ANY point of being tanker ^_^

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Not everyone can tank. Fs1 and 2 are still empty without prs. Only donors with frenzy amor high aged and with good stuff like val rings,...etc are able to tank, but without VL from prs, it's not easy to solo or even a party with all melees.

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Obviously there's no point defending myself against 95% of the server that like to have a char with powerful attack power and that now can tank everywhere


All the good things I saw with the "skill balance" that made mech a powerful tanker are gone now. LOL think I can tank even more. A mech barely get damage. Still not getting the damage from mobs, nothing chaged. And don't matter how you build yourself, you'll be always far far away from a good attack power


The point of having strong bosses is gone now too, their damage is ridiculous


Now what I thought was going to be my almighty tanker is nothing less than a SoD char, fuck that

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I never saw a function for a tanker char, not on this server. Melee + vl = awesome tanker. Melee with vl + aoe = awesome damage dealer in exp maps, while also tanking.


And please remember that the server is still (yeah..  ;D ;)) in development stage; changes will be made in future too to shift the balance. :)

Tanker with no priestess around = solo any boss without any trouble


Tanker with no vl hold whole spawns alone on it's back


Huge tanking abilities justify the lack of attack power. Now that's useless

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What I meant wasn't that Wartale has been forced directly to make these changes, but the thing is that people keep on complain and create topics and such about it.

So Wartale and the staff have been affected in one direction. As you rightly said - the majority of the server actually like the changes, but who are the majority?

These are the well-liked chars, not the mechs.


I know you have considered this alot and listened to the community, and that's the way found the conclusion and then integrated the changes.


You should might reconsider this. I know this isn't easy and there will be many struggles and discussions in this balance development stage.


I just hope and believe that you'll find the best solutions ;)

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You people say that is useless to have a tanker char now , but wtf?

A mech couldn't solo before because he can't kill enough and could tank w/o prs.

Now , mechs are the best AoE killers and people are still complaining about it.


I played mech on this server and I can tell you this:

It wasn't good at all to play with mech without a prs.

Not everyone can tank.

With my 122 char with the best gears on the server I still have to use HP potions to lvl up solo using my 2h weapon.. so , why are ppl complaining about the lack of tankers and asking Wartale to reconsider it?

Before this , I was lvl 122 and couldn't EXP solo in ft1 or ft2 , but now I can , which makes more sense than seeing a lvl 122 xping in iron2 because he can't solo in a 107 map.

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AoE killers a shit, that was never the point of mech. If i wanted AoE I'd play a mage


Some should tank, some should kill... now everyone tank, some kill


And the bosses are fucked up



You go hunt. You tank. You take more time to kill stuff. By your side you see a guy killing fast. But he spam pots to do that. You don't. That was cool

Now you go hunt, you take time to kill stuff. The other guy keep killing stuff fast but it's easy for him to tank



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Correct me if I'm wrong, if mechs are that bad, why am I seeing a big increase of mechs recently? Look at SOD top ten chart, 7 out of 10 are mechs  :| Now with this reducing dmg of mobs, mechs should have more advantage. Being able to hunt Valento,Kelvezu, being able to solo at ft1/2 now ( now most of mechs prefer solo to exp more than party =,='), being a gold hunter with SOD, being able to tank in any circumstances, why would you complain about that?

p/s: Trade> mage 121 full items ( inferno set mix inferna, oracle wand +12, ruah robe +12, blaze shield +12) for Mech 115+ with good equips pm me =)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, if mechs are that bad, why am I seeing a big increase of mechs recently? Look at SOD top ten chart, 7 out of 10 are mechs  :| Now with this reducing dmg of mobs, mechs should have more advantage. Being able to hunt Valento,Kelvezu, being able to solo at ft1/2 now ( now most of mechs prefer solo to exp more than party =,='), being a gold hunter with SOD, being able to tank in any circumstances, why would you complain about that?

p/s: Trade> mage 121 full items ( inferno set mix inferna, oracle wand +12, ruah robe +12, blaze shield +12) for Mech 115+ with good equips pm me =)

People make mechs for fast training and SoD


More advantage? I tell you about my experience with a hybrid tanker build and by far best tanking abilities I found out onwtso far

I could solo Valento

i could solo Kelvezu

I could solo Dark Guardian, Mokovian and even Fury. Take time? Yes, it takes. But wasn't anything impossible to do


I was able to solo at ft1/ft2, and with this new skill build of mass killing because of speed that was a good xp rate


You had to choose: you're a mass tanker or a good area killer, couldn't be both, even though the spark one tank fine


So this bring no benefit to any mech. We still the same and other classes get benefit. As mech isn't the most popular, it's always about other classes, almost everyone is happy with weak mobs

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next step: exp pot 70%, +20% atk scroll, +20% abs scroll, +20% crit atk scroll, hp/mana pot full regen and -30% mobs hp.


nice idea uh

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Im NOT enjoying this -20% dmg at all. Now we see tons of Noobs trying to UP solo, or duo in nice spawns. I prefere the way it was before!!!  Sorry, but this is My Opinion, if you got another, GZ for you.

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Im NOT enjoying this -20% dmg at all. Now we see tons of Noobs trying to UP solo, or duo in nice spawns. I prefere the way it was before!!!  Sorry, but this is My Opinion, if you got another, GZ for you.


since the server is almost empty, the only thing u can see (with or without these 20%) is duo!


at least u are seeing ppl in spawn =]!

i cant find ppl for party when i try to play!



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I haven't been playing on RPT only because I wouldn't solo/hunt, this new change made me come back and enjoy the game, I still get owned by mobs because there is no new players that sell low level equipment, all you see is high levels.


I don't know about you guys, but i like to solo/hunt most of the time, I do not like to rely on other people, because lets face it, there greedy, loot everything, take the good stuff, never share, don't speak any English what so ever.


The thing i like about PT, and what it makes it fun and different from any other game is the ability to solo/hunt and have your won fun.


If you take that away you will have an empty server, Like it is now, there is totally no people, been in RIC every few hours for like 2 weeks, mostly what i see is 10-20 people max selling stuff which is all high level items.


Low level spawns are all empty there is no people on any map, and I been to all of them leveling 4 low level characters switching in between each character and doing quests, i seen maybe 2 low level people, that's it.


You guys really dont get it how the change is good.


If it will go back to what it was, I just go back to UPT, because lets face it, the fun factor will be taken away what makes PT fun.

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The server didn't lose all of it's players because of you couldn't solo a map.

It goes further back, and this isn't the right way to bring players (back) to the game.


And I do not care if you play here or there ;)

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