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Good news, u guys now can exp w/o wait to a prs to come! Thank you Sandy <3

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The server didn't lose all of it's players because of you couldn't solo a map.

It goes further back, and this isn't the right way to bring players (back) to the game.


And I do not care if you play here or there ;)


It lost like 80% of its players because they couldnt exp solo.

I'm sure of that ^^


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Its the only reason I came back.


I didn't come back for Weekend EXP, Level EXP event, or Bless Castle, or even any event that would be in the game or was, the ability to have fun and solo/hunt was the selling point.


It lost like 80% of its players because they couldnt exp solo.

I'm sure of that ^^

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every class is pretty much the same here if u ask me.. they tank pretty well and they have some kind of aoe attack so this evens it out for everyone.. ?

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The server didn't lose all of it's players because of you couldn't solo a map.

It goes further back, and this isn't the right way to bring players (back) to the game.


And I do not care if you play here or there ;)


It lost like 80% of its players because they couldnt exp solo.

I'm sure of that ^^

It wasn't because of long maintenances without any information, and the posted updates didn't come?

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I haven't been playing on RPT only because I wouldn't solo/hunt, this new change made me come back and enjoy the game, I still get owned by mobs because there is no new players that sell low level equipment, all you see is high levels.


I don't know about you guys, but i like to solo/hunt most of the time, I do not like to rely on other people, because lets face it, there greedy, loot everything, take the good stuff, never share, don't speak any English what so ever.


The thing i like about PT, and what it makes it fun and different from any other game is the ability to solo/hunt and have your won fun.


If you take that away you will have an empty server, Like it is now, there is totally no people, been in RIC every few hours for like 2 weeks, mostly what i see is 10-20 people max selling stuff which is all high level items.


Low level spawns are all empty there is no people on any map, and I been to all of them leveling 4 low level characters switching in between each character and doing quests, i seen maybe 2 low level people, that's it.


You guys really dont get it how the change is good.


If it will go back to what it was, I just go back to UPT, because lets face it, the fun factor will be taken away what makes PT fun.

i not really dis agree with u but i not agree with u either...


when hunting, i like to hunt alone or my brother or REAL friend... but not clannie... coz yeah some clannie its greedy tot...

when exp, i like party... but max 4 ppl... this is the best xp rate over time n number of player...


those ppl who duo in xp its greedy and noob, they tot duo is good xp...

those ppl who invite ppl till 6 player its super noob coz he never think issit xp nice or not... no 1 wanna spent more time exping when they know 3-4 ppl can get nice xp...


hunting, no need to say, all ppl wanna own the stuff themselve so nth its greedy about... even the boss...

i rmbr ept, when s2 come, i tot boss is public but no... if u can solo killed, that boss its urs... next will be mine...

but when i1 out... all changed... coz babel couldn't be solo-ed... and now all noob wan boss to be public coz they enjoy looking w/o helping...

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Everyone could train solo




I saw you all saying the same thing: "go to a lower spawn" on another topic


mobs were NOT STRONG, they were MANY

to train on BIG SPAWNS where you can MASS KILL and get high xp when the rate is only 25x should be something to make with a team, not something that everyone can do


Wanna train alone? Go to a small spawn


this is ridiculous

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@ nanoeternity , you suck , YOU enjoy solo/hunt , and you dislike a empty server ?


it sounds like , i dislike hamburgers but i love to go to mc donalds ...

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You suck!


I'm making a valid point, If i got killed none stop by mobs for my level, whats the point of playing the game? its not fun!


And I'm talking about EXP maps not hunt maps.


@ nanoeternity , you suck , YOU enjoy solo/hunt , and you dislike a empty server ?


it sounds like , i dislike hamburgers but i love to go to mc donalds ...

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What suck is people think they're supposed to tank over 20 monsters at one spawn and cry over it untill the staff make the monsters deal less damage

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now i can tank ft2 hs even being a pussy mech! ops its spark mech!


its ridiculous!

since i was a pure tanker and couldnt do it before

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Pretty cool, why? because not only all chars can tank now, especially chars that depend on agi only like ata and archers(low hp). This is a great opportunity for them. ^__^

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Excatly, the game cant be so easy, but the game need to be soloable, thats what make pristontale unique.

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