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New Clan vs PM =)

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Hmm everyone seem to hate Peacemaker soo much.... but nothing is being done about it.

Everyone complain about how strong they are this and that..


HOW ABOUT MAKE A CLAN JUST TO KILL THEM... and only to kill them..


LOL.... someone make clan =) and is there anyone who is down to do this?


you're welcome to leave/join as you please. ?



lets make it 135+

Sorry in advance.


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IF you want to join in this re-post the following with your name: so we can see how many people is up for this.




1) meee 140 ata.













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well its true that PM spend a shit ton of money. but i dont believe they cant be defeated.!lol..


just a bunch of people dominated BC....too afraid to 1v1 lol...



well atleast most of them dont know how to count when 1v1..


99% of the time they always gangbang people

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well its true that PM spend a shit ton of money. but i dont believe they cant be defeated.!lol..


just a bunch of people dominated BC....too afraid to 1v1 lol...



well atleast most of them dont know how to count when 1v1..


99% of the time they always gangbang people

have u ever see FS 15x 1 AC kill mech 15x with full HP and buff Metal armor? ( actually 2 AC but the second one doesnt count because mech already die.)




sorry but  i have to tell the true... They cant be defeat  :)  u saw it last SW.. .( SOD)

then who gonna x1 with them? O.o

  have u ever see their ATA?


this is just my opinion.

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i also like to fight peacemaker and reapers.


but most of all have a balance pvp.


We can't fight even we have skill balance if it is inbalance pvp in the first place. haha

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A lot of nobs talking trash. This is just a game or business? anyway is for enjoy, and any hate? hate? hate?

If you hate any1 in this game/business, you should go to psychologist.


[move]This is JUST a GAME[/move]

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Joining PM is defiantly not an option....

Joining Reaper is defiantly not an option....


EZ is love fighting PM, but they are full.. cant join to help fight the battle.

Pandaline love fighting PM, but they are small

Myhome does fight PM but not too many active

a long with some other clan..



welll certainly i do believe that if we work together we can defeat them..(they got defeated several months ago? by MH with other help) lol

or atleast give them a problem to concern about.




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Why you want to create a clan just for killing another clan?

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What about JustFriend back ?

With active players from MyHome , HeadHunters , Pandaline


I remember the unique Justin was the only clan that won the peace.


So long.

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What about JustFriend back ?

With active players from MyHome , HeadHunters , Pandaline

There is no point.... (I guess u understand what I mean)

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What about JustFriend back ?

With active players from MyHome , HeadHunters , Pandaline

You can't just bring a old clan back to life, krika

especially not with different members from different clans.

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i dont understand this topic


who said PM clan is strong  lol ?



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what crowns ?

sod enemiez won

and bc ? aww from same resaon gm decide to take it from PM .. guess why ? lol

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This Topic show the POWER of PeaceMaker and that you guys don't know how to take them the CrOwN !!!

Funny TOPIC :)

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clem dont act like retard please you know why ur clan get crown of bc? bcoz they bug sod 11 players in sod?

thats what u think strong? people know only EZ the clan play fair and PM always doing sh!t

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This Topic show the POWER of PeaceMaker and that you guys don't know how to take them the CrOwN !!!

Funny TOPIC :)

u're talking shits

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