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Itens Ata / Pris / Ks

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Hey, i wanna sell this itens below >


[sOLD] Armor 132+17 Ks Donated - M/b 7.5k | A/w 9.0k

[OPEN] Robe 132 +20 Pris Drop - M/b 6.5k | A/w 7.5k

[sOLD] Orb 132+20 Pris Drop - M/b 6.0k | A/w 7.0k

[sOLD] Javelin 130+20 Ata Drop - M/b 6.0k | A/w 7.5k

[sOLD] Shield 128+20 Ks Drop - M/b 4.0k | A/w 5.0k

[OPEN] Robe 128+20 Mgs Dnt - M/b 4.0k | A/w 5.0k

[sOLD] Orb 128+20 Mgs Dnt - M/b 4.0k | A/w 5.0k

[sOLD] Armor 128+20 Ms Drop - M/b 3.0k | A/w 3.7k

[sOLD] Sword 130+16 Ks Drop - M/b 2.0k | A/w 3.5k

[sOLD] Sword 122+20 Ks Drop - M/b 2.0k | A/w 2.5k

[sOLD] Throne Set Ata Bsm - M/b 6.5k | A/w 7.5k

[sOLD] Boots 128 Pris Bsm - M/b 1.3k | A/w 1.7k or M/b 700kk | A/w 900kk

[sOLD] Gaunt 128 Pris Bsm - M/b 1.3k | A/w 1.5k or M/b 650kk | A/w 750kk

[sOLD] Brac 128 Pris Bsm - M/b 0.7k | A/w 1.0k or M/b 400kk | A/w 550kk


Screnshots of itens >


jzMCzth.png  98oeZum.png  2mlDbZN.png         

A5veZ8M.png  7WrnbVn.png  G5EMIz3.png

F2kx8pR.png  nRDIESE.png  m4vtD9N.png

XUkPEyE.png  aGoPuWA.png  JJkNsMa.png

ltmN9El.png  lRYfFmM.pngaODUqEt.png

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Oi dont sell your MGS items... give it to me  ;D

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Boots 128 Pris Bsm - M/b 1.3k | A/w 1.7k or M/b 700kk | A/w 900kk

Gaunt 128 Pris Bsm - M/b 1.3k | A/w 1.5k or M/b 650kk | A/w 750kk




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