LotonTow 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 i see what adams doing sometimes with votes to check what ppl think abot some subjetcs in that going in game so i dont know how to do it haha but i will share with you my opinin and i will like to know what u guys think and hopefully gm/admins will take a look on it =] sosince 3352 patch we didnt have any info about updates and so far ppl after 150 keeping exp and lvl up and 1 alreday hit 151 {gzz to all 15x...and big gz about 151 neog } with all te resepct to the ppl who work very hard about exping...{and exping its realy big part from this game and its also very fun} but....from my side we dont realy need/want lvl cup incress at this moment 150 is totaly hard to get and take alot of time alreday.... i not even talking about 151-152 { or what ever the new lvl cup is} servers normaly incress lvl cup after more then 50+ lvl reach the lvl cup...here we only like 14-15 cup 150... also now bc is kinda dead zone becuse ppl who hit 147+ will going lvl again to keep be close to new lvl cup/hit the lvl cup so...pvp right now is dead.... 1 more point is ....server keep be late with updates about T5 skills.. i realy belive that 90% from the ppl here wuold like to see finsih T5 skills for all chars...insted get new lvl cup...we realy dont need it at this time... i write this to all rpt ppl... not need say bad things about if i right or not.... just share you opinin. the main point is.....perfer T5 skills be finsihed for all chars and fix some bugs in game... then maybe later {after T5 skills come out + at laest 50-70 ppl will reach lvl cup 150} then incress lvl cup to 155-160. WE DONT NEED MORE LVLS FOR THE MOMENT ...150 ITS HARD ANYWAY. THANKS FOR UR TIME GUYS...AND KEEP ENJOY AND AGAIN...GZ NEOG ON 151..AND GZ ALL WHO 15X SO FAR... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lonz 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 i want T5555555 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
franzredflame 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 I do agree with the TS. It is a wrong move fromwtdeveloper. They should have focus more on the completion of T5. It is very absurd to see that a very few people will enjoy the level cap increase. How do you like this poster? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seirin_Tetsuya 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 I do agree with the TS. It is a wrong move fromwtdeveloper. They should have focus more on the completion of T5. It is very absurd to see that a very few people will enjoy the level cap increase. How do you like this poster? Your poster says it ALL!!!! ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhyax 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 This can't be reversed. They already increased it, it's done. The money fked this server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kim 9 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 This can't be reversed. They already increased it, it's done. The money fked this server Well, it can be increased just to 152 then... Its not too late. Level cap increase at this point is a totally wrong step. Our highest lvl map is 132 and our highest lvl item is 132+20 (142). We still have 2 new sets of items to go (till 150 is needed to +20), 136 and 140. And we still have 2 hunt maps to be done till 150 is required for items 140+20. Official servers have the new lab map already released, that we could consider as a 136 hunt map here, with new itens 134-136. That's what gm's should focus (and new skills, ofc). New map (that its done and released already) and new items. A level cap increase now will only make the gap between those who exp more than 15 hours a day or pay for level, and those who cannot play too much, making even more people quit the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 Level cap increase takes 2 minutes to implement. Besides, even if the level cap is raised to 200 the amount of people that will level past 150 is slim to none. It took neog how many months of exp to 151? Gz to him, many months of exp and he have advantage of 10 stat points over 150s. I can see the huge unbalance of that already. Btw, you say the exp cap increase takes away players from bc. You can also play the opposite side of that as well. What will the chars 150 do when reach cap? They can only go BC? You have to have options for things to do in game, not just 1 thing over and over. If I remember correctly, the level cap was raised to 150 15 months after the first user reached 140. Kind of silly IMO, 15 months on the same level is just forcing users to quit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LotonTow 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 Level cap increase takes 2 minutes to implement. Besides, even if the level cap is raised to 200 the amount of people that will level past 150 is slim to none. It took neog how many months of exp to 151? Gz to him, many months of exp and he have advantage of 10 stat points over 150s. I can see the huge unbalance of that already. Btw, you say the exp cap increase takes away players from bc. You can also play the opposite side of that as well. What will the chars 150 do when reach cap? They can only go BC? You have to have options for things to do in game, not just 1 thing over and over. If I remember correctly, the level cap was raised to 150 15 months after the first user reached 140. Kind of silly IMO, 15 months on the same level is just forcing users to quit. so first of all.. you agree with me the lvl cup for the moment is useless right ? and secand ... 150 char that reach the max can do .. 1. sod 2. hunt 3. pvp 4. hunt bosses 5. battle arena ( its all about fun right ) 6. help his freinds 7. after hard work exping / pay .. relax and log for fun to server and enjoy for the idea you can chill for abit. yet , i didnt say that you worng, incress lvl cup shuold be incress from time to time but the problem is we talking about that right now at this moment its just worng! as kim said .. and i belive that most pf the ppl here will agree with me , that the things to improve server and keep ppl play here / bring new ppl to server shuold be this list: 1. maybe get new host to improve server and fix program to make ppl less laggers ( if its possible ofc i am not so good at pc stuff) 2. the new boss in di ( with new drop that come only from it ) this will give more fun time at di insted only do quest or hunt normal. 3. works on events - event from time to time its always good to have . 4. T5 skills - this shuold be the main work for admins .. this is what everyone in this server are waiting for !! in the end after all this finish ... maybe incress the lvl cup to 155-160. and as you said your self ,,, how many ppl will go for 151-152 -153? max 5 becuase its hard , need alot of help , and "waste alot of time lvling" insted enjoy at bc with pvp witch only cus pvp ppl went for high lvl and going for max gear .. becuase the end everyone become strong for pvp / bc this is pristontale for ever. so as i said i not realy good at pc .. but if have any chance to stop the lvl cup at 152 and fucos on what we realy need ,, i will be more then happy to see that happend . p.s - i wuold like to see more ppl share the opinin about that , and thanks for the ppl who alreday sharing . and ofc i realy hope admins / gms will aslo share the opinin here and give us info about what going to happend, becuase in at the end we want the best for server we like to play . thanks again for your time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kim 9 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 Level cap increase takes 2 minutes to implement. Besides, even if the level cap is raised to 200 the amount of people that will level past 150 is slim to none. It took neog how many months of exp to 151? Gz to him, many months of exp and he have advantage of 10 stat points over 150s. I can see the huge unbalance of that already. Btw, you say the exp cap increase takes away players from bc. You can also play the opposite side of that as well. What will the chars 150 do when reach cap? They can only go BC? You have to have options for things to do in game, not just 1 thing over and over. If I remember correctly, the level cap was raised to 150 15 months after the first user reached 140. Kind of silly IMO, 15 months on the same level is just forcing users to quit. The thing is: NOBODY who reach 150 did it by himself/herself. "Normal" players are still far away from 150. Only people who reach 150 payed for it (xp service) or share account with other players, so the char may up almost 24/7. If they payed to get lvl cap QUICK that's not normal players problem. People could just go with the flow but instead they pay or share to get lvl cap fast, and they can't complain about having nothing to do in the game, because it was THEIR DECISION to get lvl cap fast. We better have a few "quicky" and impatient players complaining about nothing to do than having the whole rest of the server unmotivated because of the gap and quitting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhyax 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 You're right. But everyone who reached 150 didnt do it by himself. It's not fun anymore. 150 means you're rich. Which means u dont need to hunt, sod, HG etc.. And becuase pvp'ing the whole time is boring they raised the cap. So ppl can lvl up and do something else. So I'll suggest to limit the donations. Stop with the XP service and slightly increase the XP rate. Add the new map as a hunt map and new items too. But no one will listen.. like always. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goncalvesc 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 The real situation about realmpt is listed bellow:. 1) the server is abandoned; Only Wartale suporting players on forum and ingame; 2) We don´t see events in game and announcements of events; 3) Suggestions in forum going to oblivion cause, simple things like "left click" for use item / put item on mix, don´t be released; 4) Skills of T5, RPT is the first Priston Server who announced T5 Skills, now we are LAST server, we have inclomplete skills; 5) The community of RPT is composed by great players who love Priston, and like of RPT customizations, but, always increase LVL CAP is boring. I was the 5 player who reach 150, and for one Month, i can make other things on priston (hunt, bc, sod), now i started exping again, u can´t make other things on server, only exp, exp,exp 6) Hunting maps, have a really, really low drop rate, this makes Hunt in RPT really bad. then if u are a 150 and don´t wanna bc/hg/battle arena u are forced to go exp your char or other char, because hunting maps don´t drop nothing. Well, thats my opinion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChISk 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 This can't be reversed. They already increased it, it's done. The money fked this server Well, it can be increased just to 152 then... Its not too late. Level cap increase at this point is a totally wrong step. Our highest lvl map is 132 and our highest lvl item is 132+20 (142). We still have 2 new sets of items to go (till 150 is needed to +20), 136 and 140. And we still have 2 hunt maps to be done till 150 is required for items 140+20. Official servers have the new lab map already released, that we could consider as a 136 hunt map here, with new itens 134-136. That's what gm's should focus (and new skills, ofc). New map (that its done and released already) and new items. A level cap increase now will only make the gap between those who exp more than 15 hours a day or pay for level, and those who cannot play too much, making even more people quit the game. +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChISk 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 The real situation about realmpt is listed bellow:. 1) the server is abandoned; Only Wartale suporting players on forum and ingame; 2) We don´t see events in game and announcements of events; 3) Suggestions in forum going to oblivion cause, simple things like "left click" for use item / put item on mix, don´t be released; 4) Skills of T5, RPT is the first realm Server who announced T5 Skills, now we are LAST server, we have inclomplete skills; 5) The community of RPT is composed by great players who love realm, and like of RPT customizations, but, always increase LVL CAP is boring. I was the 5 player who reach 150, and for one Month, i can make other things on realm (hunt, bc, sod), now i started exping again, u can´t make other things on server, only exp, exp,exp 6) Hunting maps, have a really, really low drop rate, this makes Hunt in RPT really bad. then if u are a 150 and don´t wanna bc/hg/battle arena u are forced to go exp your char or other char, because hunting maps don´t drop nothing. Well, thats my opinion I accept! We need to have fun, we're only going to get stuck leveling and often we are tiredin leaving the game,We want an end of T5, new items and legal maps and game up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
◕ ‿ ◕ 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 I agree for more levels, like 160 or 170 :... For items, 146, 150 is so amazing for now and age for +25... T5, don't have reason for comments. About new map, we need it, Undead mobs for this, it's make a hunt and exp maps ( like DI,it need a exp map. ) Thanks for nothing. I think server need item 150 we age +20 and will be item 160 like lvl 160. Need more map for exp and hunt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
◕ ‿ ◕ 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 Need of new item because player top have full item +20, what fun to play? Need more item for more hunt for more age, top player have nothing to do Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChISk 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2014 I think we need more time to convey this, still do not have 30 players 15x,What Sandur even need and add new maps, then it will change the economics of server dropping items easier 13x. First Add new maps, new items and finished T5! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites