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Does forces work with aoe skills?

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Got a simple question. Does forces add dmg to aoe skills on realm?

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Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.

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Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.



You're wrong...


It works even for mage and prs aoe skills! :D

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Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.



You're wrong...


It works even for mage and prs aoe skills! :D


I tried to dray a mob with/without a bellum force,I didn't see any difference :o

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Yes, it work.


Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.



You're wrong...


It works even for mage and prs aoe skills! :D



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Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.



You're wrong...


It works even for mage and prs aoe skills! :D


I tried to dray a mob with/without a bellum force,I didn't see any difference :o


Well, dray is not AoE... But it surely works for both, 1x1 and aoe skills. xD


If you test it with and without force just a few times you may not notice any big difference, but try to clock the time you spend to kill an "entire" mob in DI with and without force, same mob.


This way you gonna notice it easier...

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Not if you are a mage or prs.

Forces don't work for magic classes now.



You're wrong...


It works even for mage and prs aoe skills! :D


I tried to dray a mob with/without a bellum force,I didn't see any difference :o

i think you can try Sod with and w.o force, u will see the difference very clearly in round 6

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gms should consider the char window expansion suggestion, it would make a LOT easier for everyone to check that out

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gms should consider to add +10% WP Damage in the Siege Power buff. It's useless for mages/prs.

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There is def a difference with holy bolt.. on a single monsters when hunting on high level maps.  It takes forever without a force... you can even tell the slight difference between using a celesto force and a mirage force.. so I know they definitely work.  With ice storm... I am sure they also work.  Because I can mass kill without losing any damage to myself in xp maps with forces.. without them I have to health pot more often.

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