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Things have changed?

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1st: I could have sworn I could insert a lot more than 2 potions at a time in my slots. right now I can only have 6 potions total in my 3 slots (2 each), even though I am carrying over 30 potions.


2nd: I am a level 11 mage and I visited the witchcraft academy in morion to get my first skill. However, all he does is give me a quest...not sure what is going on. Am I doing something wrong?

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it s just a  quest for you , nothing havent change

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it s just a  quest for you , nothing havent change


so i first do the quest and then I get my skills? never heard of that

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it s just a  quest for you , nothing havent change


so i first do the quest and then I get my skills? never heard of that

You have to do the quest or that old man don't let you learn skills.

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it s just a  quest for you , nothing havent change


so i first do the quest and then I get my skills? never heard of that

You have to do the quest or that old man don't let you learn skills.


thanks a bunch mate

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you can see which armlet you are using and its information in its slot right beside where your gauntlets are supposed to stay

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got a couple more questions, please help.


1. For some reason I cannot set the Agony skill for magician with any of the F keys.


2. the level 20 rank up quest...I remember I kill beedogs and it does tell me to go get honey. but there is an npc that sells them now?! well, i tried buying them but it only lets me buy one at a time. not sure how to rank up and finish the quest.


3. Server is pretty damn awesome!

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got a couple more questions, please help.


1. For some reason I cannot set the Agony skill for magician with any of the F keys


(This skill lvl 1 is good enough, you don't have to set to any key, if you  want to restate your skill or statistics, you can go to event girl to restate, it's free before lvl 100



2. the level 20 rank up quest...I remember I kill beedogs and it does tell me to go get honey. but there is an npc that sells them now?! well, i tried buying them but it only lets me buy one at a time. not sure how to rank up and finish the quest.


check your honey in quest items section


3. Server is pretty damn awesome!


it's the best server for PT, but have to know the rules for the game. Have fun!

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if you're talking about hotkeying them, you do not do that with the F key, but pressing with the right mouse button on the desired skill and typing the F# slot you want it. for example, right mouse button clicking on agony, without releasing your finger from pressing, you type F1. it will hotkey the skill to your F1 key.


you may find a lot of things from the original priston tale changed from this server, one of them is that you rocket launch your level and initial quests with crystals from lvl 1 to 70. gm does that do speed up your gameplay in the initial levels to join all the others that are already high lvl. a lot of quests follow the same pattern. the rankup lvl 20quest, for example, is one of them. you may simply buy your quest items from shop instead of hunting them down should you feel like it. check your quest items if you did not found it in your regular inventory. quest's last steps remains the same: age the bottle with the honey pieces and deliver to granny.


this is the best available server for this old game, friend, indeed. there are a bunch of people out there trying to make a better work than sander, modding the whole thing and adding stuff that doesnt have here, like class gender free (male archers, priests, female fighters, mechanicians, etc) mounts (riding chimeras, rabbies) pet system (feeding, training and stuff) but somehow they all fail and servers like that come and go. this one has been here for an age now.

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