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Worth to play as archer?

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Hi , im new to the server.

Me and my wife like to play as archer but we abandoned our in bpt cuz the class is nothing there..We are currently leveling one archer here in rpt but we still don't know if its a good class or not..

So i would like to ask for opinions about the class how is it on pve , end game ( 100+) hard to up?And in pvp?Thanks!

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it is, imo. not really easy to lvl up from 100 to 120, but rocket launch in leveling as killer in ct3 after 120, as well as in di after 132. great hunter and great pvper from what i hear from my clanmates. i like the use of bow and arrows, but them alone in 1x1 and not all those fancy shining stuff that comes with the arrows (like a freaking firebird) so i play as automech archer.

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More questions..if anyone can help me


About the skills ..T1~T3 Im using aor lv 10(i read its better to use it until level 110)

Sm 10

So what now?Should i level WA? And what about the golden falcon and falcon?Should i spend points in then?GF takes aditional damage from falcon right?

And dions eye? is it worth?

About the t4 im leveling Fon and after i will level evade is it right for pve?

And finally the T4 should i level stun arrow or phoenix speed first?they are really worth?


Sorry for the many questions but i noticed that as build here in realm is really different from bpt...



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More questions..if anyone can help me


About the skills ..T1~T3 Im using aor lv 10(i read its better to use it until level 110)

Sm 10

So what now?Should i level WA? And what about the golden falcon and falcon?Should i spend points in then?GF takes aditional damage from falcon right?

And dions eye? is it worth?

About the t4 im leveling Fon and after i will level evade is it right for pve?

And finally the T4 should i level stun arrow or phoenix speed first?they are really worth?


Sorry for the many questions but i noticed that as build here in realm is really different from bpt...



if you hunt ,WA is useful , give  30% addition damage to normal mobs


gold falcon lvl 10 give 15 hp regen ,very useful when use AOR in exp map

the damage take from falcon is true but lvl 10 falcon need to much point


dions eye is useful when hunting


FON only function on 1*1 skills ,it not add to aoe skills ,so you should lvl evade first


also stun shot is for hunting and pvp(seems not function in BC now)

so you need lvl Phoenix speed first



hunt skill :(in order)

sm 10

avalance 10

bomb 10(demon mobs)

wa 10(normal mobs)

dions eye 10


wolf 10

fon 10

evade 10


stun 10

phoenix speed 10


exp skill:

sm 10

aor 10

golden falcon 10


evade 10

wolf 10(tank boss)


phoenix speed 10


you are using aor 10,so ,if you want to hunt ,need reset skill


ps : phoenix shot need too much mana,so i don't use it...


Perforation need mobs in line,so i don't like it

since someone said it's usefull in ct3 quest,and other party members maybe ask you to use it..


phoenix speed double stm usage ,so i seldom use it ,only for walking to map

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Thanks for the help , im going to use exp skills till i get high levels(120 or more..)  and then i reset...


I reset my skills cuz i didn't know fon wasnt working with aoe skills...and after i put wolf and evade 10 i should put in fon again or ps?


So falcon i only spent points if i have nothing more to put?Again , thanks for the help!

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