vanng 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 Hello all. Im just wondering if anyone claim about Pikes OP, at the moment they own bc. Have 3 skills can be killed easily. (Shadow Master, Jumping crash, and charging strike), and i didnt count Chain lancer and is very good. Pike have amazing advantage in pvp at the moment, that why everyone change class, isnt funyy see in BC 80% pikes killing everyone when the another class only can do is kiss the floor :'( Make ur opinion about this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[S]IL 5 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 so whenever a class is dominant over others, the people (whom don't play it) complain and the class gets nerfed ! then that class becomes too weak and people whom play it complain and get it "fixed" !wtis just too entertaining Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Impressive 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 +1 need to nerf the pikes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 Disable soccer hats. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ToXa 30 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 how about the prs being useless in pvp? :-X Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marce2125 107 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 how about the prs being useless in pvp? :-X I agree with you!, sadly this happens in all servers :'( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Impressive 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 Disable soccer hats. wrong topic air head Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoso 0 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 Pikes are only good at pvp, thats why they are the best. And for prs they are a support class and best exper. Each class has their advantages, just pick one that suits u and dont complain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clem 1,241 Report post Posted July 11, 2014 Pikes are only good at pvp, thats why they are the best. And for prs they are a support class and best exper. Each class has the advantages, just pick one that suits u and dont complain Yeah pike need to be good in BC, but not kill everyone in BC... Its so unbalance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xv 19 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 so in bc, which class shld be killing alot?? please, if you think pike is OP go play pike. stop complaining Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LotonTow 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 Pikes are only good at pvp, thats why they are the best. And for prs they are a support class and best exper. Each class has their advantages, just pick one that suits u and dont complain +1 dredwag ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jersey 98 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 so in bc, which class shld be killing alot?? please, if you think pike is OP go play pike. stop complaining you got it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ian 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 Disable soccer hats. wrong topic air head Sorry retard, don't get your panties all bunched up now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lucasalmeida35 1 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 pike can tank a lot and have 3 skills that can kill a char with 1 hit. high critical, evade, and defense. if this is not OP, i dont know what it is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jona2288 115 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 PS and FS Should be the OP clases at BC, beause they are the natural warrios of this game! ATA, AS , KS , MS can do everything at game MGS and PRS are specially for AOE kills and FS and PS are the fuking killers! thats the essence of this game! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zxc74171 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 Pikes are fine imo,because the only thing they can do is PVP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sharman 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 If u like a char that kill A LOT, then go for FS. FS are good when ur side win the war and u will get 70-80% of the bp (ofc it require skills) Ps are good on when ur side are lose the fight because they can bsb, hit and run , and hardly get kil if using shield. War? I will choose FS because u got the speed atk advantage, balance damg , balance crit,fine atk rate, roar. X1? Ps because pike got the advantage of Ae ( 1 of best 1x1 skills on this server) vanish , and 2 best killer skills ( cs sm), high atk rate, ice and high def, evade with shield. Overall: its most depend on the person and how they controp their chars, items, level. I didnt neither fs are suck on x1 nor ps suck at war. Fs do find sone trouble when x1 with ps ( u have to outsmart ps? Ps do find sone trouble in war, u have to follow ppl and ae rhe target and vanish everytime u strike. Its just my opinion, every feedback or correction are welcome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laxity 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 I think pikes are fine now.. no need to get it nerf or w/e Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jona2288 115 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS can only pvp too... and dont kill by one hit.. and have less defense than a pike.. so nerf ps chance to kill by one hit, or improve fs chance to kill by one hit. its a shit that ps 13x can kill fs 14x full dnt top items by one hit... and fs destroyer miss a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Impressive 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS can only pvp too... and dont kill by one hit.. and have less defense than a pike.. so nerf ps chance to kill by one hit, or improve fs chance to kill by one hit. its a shit that ps 13x can kill fs 14x full dnt top items by one hit... and fs destroyer miss a lot. ps have 3xxx attack rate+ fs 2xxx attack rate+ simple answer make fs have 3xxx attack rate to make it same as pike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zoso 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS can only pvp too... and dont kill by one hit.. and have less defense than a pike.. so nerf ps chance to kill by one hit, or improve fs chance to kill by one hit. its a shit that ps 13x can kill fs 14x full dnt top items by one hit... and fs destroyer miss a lot. fs can hunt better than pikes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Impressive 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS can only pvp too... and dont kill by one hit.. and have less defense than a pike.. so nerf ps chance to kill by one hit, or improve fs chance to kill by one hit. its a shit that ps 13x can kill fs 14x full dnt top items by one hit... and fs destroyer miss a lot. fs can hunt better than pikes takes around the same time to kill the monster talking about hunting i rather buy 132 ms then hunt than to use an fs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jona2288 115 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS can only pvp too... and dont kill by one hit.. and have less defense than a pike.. so nerf ps chance to kill by one hit, or improve fs chance to kill by one hit. its a shit that ps 13x can kill fs 14x full dnt top items by one hit... and fs destroyer miss a lot. fs can hunt better than pikes hunt with fs its a shit. FS and PS are BC CLASS cant hunt good hard to up at quest good SOD both and greats mules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sharman 0 Report post Posted July 12, 2014 FS is WAR Char!!!! PS is X1 Char !!!! u guys CANT compare a WAR char with a X1 char ~.~" both chars have their advantage and disadvantage. if u guys want to fix, please come up with the ideas to prevent bsb, hit and run. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites