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Prison Key Quest can't get it

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So I got level 85 and tried to do this Prison Key quest at Atlantis Town, but everytime I talk to the guard he just tell me to "get lost"

Already tried the command /cancelquest and /cancelquests but he still don't give me the quest. Got lvl 86 to try and still the same, rebooted PC, still can't get the quest.


Can someone help?



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you have to do your tier 5 quest in order for you to get the quest.

because if you notice on the quests section it's under tier 5 quests. finish it then you can get the quest for the key.

i had the same problem until i did my tier 5 quest and got it.

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The quest is: get lost  ;D  You just have to walk away.


Reward: 0 exp  ::)

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The quest is: get lost  ;D  You just have to walk away.


Reward: 0 exp  ::)

bug my quest prison key....can you help me to back my bug quest

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