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I wanted to buy ticket coins... and he gapped me in shop.. he said me 750k each one... and he sold one of them in purpouse at 7,5kk i trusted in him and i bougth all and i told to him... u sold one of them at 7,5kk and he said ..."i didnt do anything"... so he gapped me.... maybe u cannot punish him.. but worth u can know this guy and DONT BUY NOTHING TO HIM

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Put itens in your own personal shop with different prices to trick, it's not against the rules, it's not nice, but i do that too, i was selling force celesto 50k, and in the middle there was one with 50kk, Hahahaa

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Put itens in your own personal shop with different prices to trick, it's not against the rules, it's not nice, but i do that too, i was selling force celesto 50k, and in the middle there was one with 50kk, Hahahaa




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but i purpouse to admins make a "POLICE PT" what can look for these guys gappers cause i think it is BAD! for the game.....

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It's not against the rules. It's your fault.


exactly! he is the seller, he can sell his items at the price he wants... just take care next time...

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yeah truly.. but i talked before with him.. and we negociate the price... and he made shop for faster trade.. and then is while he gapped me... in my country that is GAPPED ^^

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yeah truly.. but i talked before with him.. and we negociate the price... and he made shop for faster trade.. and then is while he gapped me... in my country that is GAPPED ^^


Dude, we got it.


But you need to understand that, even though its not cool at all to do that, its IS NOT against the rules. Anyone can put the price he wants. You bought it because you WANTED to. He didn't forced you to buy no shit.


It's all YOUR fault, you should had paid more attention to what your buying!


And GM's have more stuff to care about than patrolling ricarten in the search of high priced shops, so inattentive people like you don't get tricked like little kids.



Seriously, this topic won't lead to no change in how adm's deal with this players, because IT IS totally fair the way it is! People can try to sell their stuff FOR ANY PRICE THEY WANT TO. If you didn't paid attention and bought it, that's YOUR problem.



Don't get me wrong, i'm not defending whoever tricked you, it's not cool at all to trick noob people, but you can't blame him, and expect people to feel sorry for you, for something that its your fault.



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When mouseover the item you see it's price. When you attempt to buy it, it asks you "do you really want to buy it for X gold?".

You must be really blind dude.

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Each day this server become worse and worse

i discover each day how people scam and make the game sucks


i don't remember when last time i saw a Clan hunting or xp together for example :/

whats wrong ? why people so selfish on Private server ?

on EPT everything was harder and people helped each other

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True, I remember the good ol' days when we were xping in navisko at night xD And then a 40lvl pike came and "owned" the bargons ;O

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True, I remember the good ol' days when we were xping in navisko at night xD And then a 40lvl pike came and "owned" the bargons ;O

Good days in ept when I cyclone strike like a maniac in BOA.Pick up raidents and jeras,being rich...(Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim, Al hamdu lillaahi rabill'alamin oooh)

That gets boring too...when you have 6 mule accounts all with 5 mules full of sheltoms.

Whatever,I seldom play pt now...don't know why.

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i don't remember when last time i saw a Clan hunting or xp together for example :/

Uhhh, I see this every time I login. You sure your playing Wartale?  ???

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Each day this server become worse and worse

i discover each day how people scam and make the game sucks


i don't remember when last time i saw a Clan hunting or xp together for example :/

whats wrong ? why people so selfish on Private server ?

on EPT everything was harder and people helped each other


Majority of people don't party but there is some that do it is like that for Realm and EPT now but it never used to be like that  Just turns me off playing tbh. The issue is people don't xp new characters much just trade or buy them or buy levels....

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