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Great Shield ATA +20 questioning..

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Hello everyAta !!


what's your opinion about a great shield +20 for Ata ? totally useless (in pvp i guess) ? useful in certain circumstance ? enough stylish to have one in anyways ?


so many questions that I'd like to read your answers :)



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It's more used for a pure ata, since it has less strength and a relatively high absorb...


So I'm not sure if you like to pvp as a pure ata or not, but under that circumstance u could use one.

For hunting maybe, not sure.

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Great Shield for atalanta doesn't worth, because 96 its the min str required for a DNT 130 javelin, so you´ll have to spend, at least 96 str anyway and with this str you can use a grand shield (min str). But i recommend, if you are a pure or semi pure ata to spend 8 more points (104 str) and use an inferno shield DNT bcs it has 4% more block (2% + 2% in spec stats) and better def and abs. So you mix it 10 sapp (12% block and 80 hp), bcz block and HP its what really matters for a pure ranger to survive in PVP. Or wait for the new mixes to come (who knows, it can bring a new better block+HP mix).

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