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hunt et2

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why not do like they did in CT3 with ET2 map to give chance to the 115 +

to hunt and have at least 106 items.

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I agree with you. A lot of people is 120- and they don't have a chance for a good drop now.

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Using search never hurts :)




Wartale is working on a big patch. He just released this to let us have something new while we wait if you like.

The more time he spends on adding stuff now to make users happy the longer the new patch will take.



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Yes, I know how to search.


I know it was something to let people happy. The problem is that the happy people is only 120+ now. But if it is not possible now to increase drop rate for et2 no problem :)

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It is possible but see what you are asking for ;)

The more time he spends on adding stuff now to make users happy the longer the new patch will take.

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Problem now is that there hunt for 115 +, and we will stay so until when?

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Problem now is that there hunt for 115 +, and we will stay so until when?




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I'm still experimenting what a perfect drop rate is for a hunt map (with CT3), so when I got that, I can make fairly easy a drop rate for ET2, ET1, etc.

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I'm still experimenting what a perfect drop rate is for a hunt map (with CT3), so when I got that, I can make fairly easy a drop rate for ET2, ET1, etc.


Sandy, the point is, when u set the drop rate like an " event" there were all 12x of server hunting, it was hard to find a mob that wasnt taken already. Now with the new drop rate, day by day less and less players go hunt in ct3, im there the whole day, so i can assume what im saying. I think its like hmm 8-10 players that spent a few hrs only hunting. 8 to 10 players u take  3-4 that spent more time there, like me, valtsu and his friends.


Could be nice if more players went to ct3 hunt so u could check if the drop rate is good or not. As an example, my unique 115 drop from reg mob was a hammer, and it took me over 50 hrs of hunting to take it. Im justing clarify some points to make it easy to u find out the best drop rate. Hope that i could help somehow!

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Well level 115 items are the best items in game so their drop rate should be really low just like in the official servers.

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Well level 115 items are the best items in game so their drop rate should be really low just like in the official servers.


Ya i agree with u, for me 115 items drop rate and also 110 are ok, but there should drop more sheltoms, mature stones, jeras etc..

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