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Age Price | Re-Spec Difficulty

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Hi all !

I'm here to ask for changes in two points of the game:


Aging Price

After this new update, the aging price has increased.

Look an example:


My robe lv 120 is +10 at this time, and the cost to aging it to +11 is 12kk O_O


My wand 122 is +11 now, and to aging it to +12 is more than 16,5kk (what i had in my hands)


Don't you guys think its REALLY EXPANSIVE ? Low lv players cant pay this amount !

Are you trying to increase price for itens +20 ? or +22 ?

Are you trying to remove gold from server doing this ?

Maybe you're totally wrong !


Re-Spec System


I recently tried to change spec of a robe 124 NS to PRS, I used 80kk more or less ONLY WITH MIX, and plus the gold i lost with jeras/super jeras and runes. And in the end i couldnt change the fckin spec, it was always NS, not mage and not prs, but NS all the times that i tried.


WTF are happening to this ?



If someone have any problem about the game mechanics, share with us.


Thanks for read and i'll be waiting for any answer from staff.

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respecting system has something wrong, I tried 5+ times always come NS and give up cause I thought the bug.


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respecting system has something wrong, I tried 5+ times always come NS and give up cause I thought the bug.



It's normal, happens.

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16.5kk? really?




he said +11 +12

u aged +22 =.= .

Yeah but they changed all the aging's costs. Let me show you.


Almost 2 months ago, I did aging my armor 132 to +20. I paid 32kk for the last age (19>20). Yesterday, I did the same aging for my friend in her armor 132.. Check the ss below and see the difference.


Aging my knight's armor 19>20 (12/07/14):




Aging her fighter's armor 19>20 (26/08/14):





The same item, the same aging. There's a huge dif (100kk lol).



I know it is expensive. But we have to understand it is necessary, the economy was so decreased. Gold should value more.

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16.5kk? really?




he said +11 +12

u aged +22 =.= .

You didn't get it, right?


@topic dafuuuukk?!? over 150kk lol GL Marcal

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+1k like

gamewtincreasing the difficulty! and make selling gold trade money happens!

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The gold needed to age itens should be different.

How can an iten lv 120 cost 12kk to age it to +11 ? Its insane. Whan a 12x char can do to loot this gold ? plus gold for sheltons and stones ? .-.



If u can pay 1xx kk to age an iten to +20, cool, congratz :) but almost 70% of realmpt cant pay this amount to age something.

We know that game's economy are bad now, but increasing the fees to age an iten is not the best solution, it will only make alrealy strong and rich ppl becomes more rich and strong.


I'll ask to u read again what the topic says and try to understand what I'm talking about.



Yes, its normal, but I think it'snt normal when you try 80 times and all the times the iten keep getting NS



I bet  that players who play only paying absurd amounts would not be able to play without paying such absurd values and come here talking things that don't affect themselves.



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go donate gold bars :) simple


Donating the way the game is asking today, and ure saying, there will not be 70% of players that still playing today.


Nice Suggestion

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I Think respec Realy Bug !


I respec too much time and for to much Item, but Only NS have 1 spec for other?


Some one can buy Respec Stone in Alantic and test for Noob Item for check.



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+1 Respec


I respec more than 30 times only 1 times have spec. LOL


I think that is bug, or ... what GM knows....  ;D

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Increasing the fee of age is the solution for rich people get richer, and poor, poorer. Looks a good idea, in a small time, but in a long time, you'll see.

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Increasing the fee of age is the solution for rich people get richer, and poor, poorer. Looks a good idea, in a small time, but in a long time, you'll see.


That's what I'm talking about.

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I think is bug,i had rp wand 122 ns about 40times all ns =]] funny

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