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Automatically fill the price box

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" You can now right click items to the Personal Shop window and it will automatically fill the price box with the price you set on the previous item for quicker shop setup."

Is anyone know how to do this?

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It works for same type items only. The first item you put to the store is a pattern for the rest.

For example if you are selling 20 oredos. Instead of typing the price 20 times, you will need to type it once for the first oredo you put to the store. The price of the first oredo will be saved for the next 19.

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It's a little glitchy (for me at least) and sometimes doesn't work, but the fact that it exists at all makes it so much easier to play the game.

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Yes it's glitchy at the moment but will not be glitchy anymore after the next patch

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When you type in the price... you have to click enter with your keyboard... not click ok on the screen.  the price stays the same from the last item.  These items could be completely different.  I set everything at lvl95 and all of my stones to 500k.... they arent the same items but as long as you hit the enter key instead of clicking on OK the price stays set.

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please make it an option, it can also be annoying

do not use right click.

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please make it an option, it can also be annoying

do not use right click.


thanks didnt know that yet :)

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