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about delay time skill Amazon rage tier5 ata

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

Seriously you're comparing a stun to a buff?

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay


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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

Seriously you're comparing a stun to a buff?

dentre todas as classes so a t5 da ata q ta zuada assim

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also when ata have 110 % atk power  in split was ok , but now ata cant kill ps ,fs, mg also why dont see skill balance of ps ?

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

Seriously you're comparing a stun to a buff?

dentre todas as classes so a t5 da ata q ta zuada assim

Ata zoada? Sério?


Cara, ata hoje em dia é o char mais completo do jogo.


Uma ata bem equipada hoje em dia faz hunt, pvp, upa em quest, faz SOD, até mesmo pode upar em mapas como AD3/IC por ter uma skill em área de 140% de dano. E aliás, ela pode fazer isso tudo com uma build só.


E realmente você acha ata zoada? Você quer fazer o melhor char do jogo, é isso? Que aliás, hoje em dia é o melhor...


Amazon Rage é uma das skills mais OP da T5, é lógico que ela tem que ter pouca duração e um delay altíssimo. Você ganha atk speed, ata bate pra caralho com essa skill, todos sabem disso.


also when ata have 110 % atk power  in split was ok , but now ata cant kill ps ,fs, mg also why dont see skill balance of ps ?

Split isn't supposed to be a K.O. skill everytime, lol


And i didn't saw a big change in -10% damage. Ata still have a good damage.

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GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

Seriously you're comparing a stun to a buff?

dentre todas as classes so a t5 da ata q ta zuada assim


Laughing Out Loud !!!11!1


GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay

Seriously you're comparing a stun to a buff?

dentre todas as classes so a t5 da ata q ta zuada assim

Ata zoada? Sério?


Cara, ata hoje em dia é o char mais completo do jogo.


Uma ata bem equipada hoje em dia faz hunt, pvp, upa em quest, faz SOD, até mesmo pode upar em mapas como AD3/IC por ter uma skill em área de 140% de dano. E aliás, ela pode fazer isso tudo com uma build só.


E realmente você acha ata zoada? Você quer fazer o melhor char do jogo, é isso? Que aliás, hoje em dia é o melhor...


Amazon Rage é uma das skills mais OP da T5, é lógico que ela tem que ter pouca duração e um delay altíssimo. Você ganha atk speed, ata bate pra caralho com essa skill, todos sabem disso.


also when ata have 110 % atk power  in split was ok , but now ata cant kill ps ,fs, mg also why dont see skill balance of ps ?

Split isn't supposed to be a K.O. skill everytime, lol


And i didn't saw a big change in -10% damage. Ata still have a good damage.


Agreed 100%

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also when ata have 110 % atk power  in split was ok , but now ata cant kill ps ,fs, mg also why dont see skill balance of ps ?

GM,i think u should reduce delaying time of Amazon rage or inscrease duration time more than 90sec :( it's take me more than 5min to reuse this skill too long it's not good if delaying time to long  :(  :(

+1 why  as stun havent that much  delay?

only ata have this delay



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