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they exist only to fight, and they like their fights up close and personal. Their highly trained bodies can withstand the harshest of environments, and can survive under the worst odds. Fighters tend not to wear protective armor or shields, preferring to travel light. Their rigorous training is obvious from their strong muscles, and they are always on a lookout for a good fight


so my QUESTION is why fighter OUT OF PLACE in PVP, no one uses this CLASS now cause its worse... classes like ATA, PIKE is always RANKING in killings, leveling FIGHTER CLASS should be in TOP second best next to pikeman... and now FIGHTER CLASS is ERASED in this SERVER is this balance ??

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What about archers, knighs and mechanicians?

- archers can do anything run & hit but weak if getting hit

- mech can do kill + tank + buff

- k9 can tank itself when uses shield if uses 2hand kinda weak.

But The Fact is "Fighter" its a understandable word FIGHT seem to be the leading opponent/contender/ challenger.

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Fighter can loot gold like a bot  :D , other char cant do this  :P

+1 major advantage

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fighters keep being good killers!


the problem: ps and ata does HitKills easier.


fighter can do hitkill with his DT, but have a high chance of evade or miss


probably u are only looking for one more char that can do hitkill and run...

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What about archers, knighs and mechanicians?

- archers can do anything run & hit but weak if getting hit

- mech can do kill + tank + buff

- k9 can tank itself when uses shield if uses 2hand kinda weak.

But The Fact is "Fighter" its a understandable word FIGHT seem to be the leading opponent/contender.

Play with a mech and you will know isn't easy to tank. With 2hand is more weaker than a archer.


About fighters, as cacadordeprexeca says, FS is balanced on PVP, just PS is OP because of Vanish' skill.


Comparing fighter to pike, people will choose play with pike because they have a huge attack rating/critical + after damage of vanish (this is the main and unique cause to Pike be OP) and can hitkill everyone dont matter level of pike, if is 136, 138 or 150+. Fighters to tank well on pvp and kill someone needs be high level and with better items possible. And pike do things more better than fighter, pvp is one.

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"Mechanician" is an understandable word too, but he doesn't use machines or mechanic stuffs, "priestess" doesn't pray etc..

You people are always crying about the fighter. He was too weak because of inner soul, then Wartale buffed it and he became too OP. Now he's weak again.

It depends on the player. Atm there aren't any 150+ fighters, while there're plenty of pikes and atas. Nothing has changed.

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everyone crys when fighter try to get what they want.


fact is yes a FIGHTER, should be a Killer in parties, should not be able to tank as much as knight however i do think fs should get hp boost again(to even out this 1 hit kill stuff) and a major 1x1 dmg boost, most people pick fighters for the 1x1 dmg not for AOE


Axes are strongest weapon but still feels like you are weak a paper. also some fs skills can be used with other weapons but we get no bonus so these high lvl fs items like hammers and scyths are useless(wouldnt it be cool to have different types of fighters....?axe 1 hand scythe2or hammer2 hand sword fighters have become a thing of the past used to be good because swords were spd 8 and axes 7.) 


maybe fighter through this rigorous training should recieve a 2nd atk spd buff or a large PVE dmg boost(add demon Vs to more skills and make it stronger(no fs uses Bone crash cause it just missed target while archers rape demons.


ive played a fighter on and off as main char since 2003, i know what im talking about, we always get shafted


i dont care what happends to fighter, just make it wht its supposed to be, not a fruiting LURE and gold looter. anyone can lure should FS have luring skill if that is what everyone wants their jobclass to be? like Increased monster Agro Range200% or decreased or Targeted Agro.

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yeah HPboost or something like other RARE WEAPON etc..

and also KILLER TYPE in a DIQ for Melee's Quest..



* easy mode 100bi =


* norml mode 100bi =

(1x1 mobs ps/ks/fs)

* hard mode ***bi =

( kill DI boss last hit gets the party Q )


just my idea in normal Q .. should have BUFF quest like ABS/DEF/ATKpow

kill demons like billy & lena

30 billy - 30 lena




if this skill would be AOE i'd better bet on this in bright FUTURE


a typical impact blast AOE hit in front of target range 1meter, 30radius THE SAME as damage of perfloration AS skill..


- BUT NEVER MIND :) kopskopskops!!

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i dont see any disadvantage fact about Fighter.

FS is still good if not the best in PVP.

the only downfall of  FS in PVP is that Fighter always need VL and the players must be PRO bot ( auto bot doesnt count :P)

for me, my Fighter ( not fully max items and some are still not donate) i havent update long time ago. but if i have VL i think i have 70-80% winrate VS PS or anychars same items, same lvls. ( except for mech MA or MGS disto 24/24 :D)


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cyclone is terrible being it does 1/2 the dmg to the other 15 monsters



it woul dbe cool if skill Rage of Zechram was fixed i know it had or has 180% dmg boost at lvl 10 but the actual dmg does not look so great.

Also it should have Fire After dmg to the AoE part of the skill.


this way fighters could choose cyclone or ROZ as an aoe skill or both depending on what they aare doing.

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