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Precisava ser feito um tópico pra deixar registrado todas as pérolas que rolam nas seções de Report User/Recovery e etc, que os BR HUE fizeram/fazem com traduções mal feitas e os posts do Gogg que são todos uma comédia (que poderia ser melhor entendido se ao menos não houvesse erros grotescos de grafia).


Começo com o jovem que virou viado devido a um de nois: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=69009.0 (Não é do suporte, mas não deixa de ser uma pérola)

Para além de ser viado escreveu "irmões" kkkkkkkkkkkkkk


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kkkk krika ráquer!!


alguem quem que fazer uma busca aqui no JdL pra ver onde ta os posts do pessoal que ja postou


a proposito, pinna aí, modera

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Precisava ser feito um tópico pra deixar registrado todas as pérolas que rolam nas seções de Report User/Recovery e etc, que os BR HUE fizeram/fazem com traduções mal feitas (que poderia ser melhor entendido se ao menos não houvesse erros grotescos de grafia).


Começo com: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=131336.0


GM I have this sacer: perdir124nomixj more omeno three years, and was not leveling facio not day and night.

Her story was with janina went for a mix and bugou

Blockeado went to janina dair did she perdir124nomixj protestano to janina blockeado I was in the mix and in pencei never lose it. perdir124nomixj

More the person stole second two accounts to my second account emilioclone lvl 120 and perdir124nomixj lvl132

More GM  thief favors

Give a proof paramim I vendir or something!

More and wonder who the relmente ladroa?

Wasting time and time play to stay thank you so much for GM you be so po onesto and you be the GM dete game you ta parabens GM tou very happy with the GM of this game

Where the thief and who is lucky big thank GM GM parabens good luck ...

Iainda speak of tales of plisto Brazil

I know you will not even help me good luck and congratulations thank you


Postem mais links e não esqueçam de dar quote no primeiro post, pro caso do Wartale deletar o tópico original, aehauae

kkk a melhor parte foi - you ta parabens GM tou very happy ... kkk


Lol, me rachei de rir lendo isso.

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não é do suporte nem nada mas meu cérebro bugou hoje a tarde...  ???




ele se bugou ali e só saiu relogando ou usando core kkkkkkkkkkkkkk



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Hi I would like to know because my lvl fighter: 116 / Name: pegaladrao

logui day today 26/10/2014 tava lvl: 107

Cuz're eté level



ta you kidding me

116 lvl up when I think about 6-8 atrais messes with a lvl 116 account pickeman faveladodorio pickeman with pt with janina.

fou deichei this epoch that the two 2 lvl 116 not seiporque the pickeman was then Lv 116 and 116 voutou to Finghter Lv Lv 107

was not for the two ta lv 116 up both at the same time it was a one up the other tabem ...

what happened

and you falu that was never lv 116

you know what you are talking about ???



conta the Finghter: pegaladra

account Pickeman: Faveladodorio

up all in the same day for lv: 116

and pt with janina 6 to 8 months ago


Agora deu pra entender os 2 tópicos no Bug Report...

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Hi I would like to know because my lvl fighter: 116 / Name: pegaladrao

logui day today 26/10/2014 tava lvl: 107

Cuz're eté level



ta you kidding me

116 lvl up when I think about 6-8 atrais messes with a lvl 116 account pickeman faveladodorio pickeman with pt with janina.

fou deichei this epoch that the two 2 lvl 116 not seiporque the pickeman was then Lv 116 and 116 voutou to Finghter Lv Lv 107

was not for the two ta lv 116 up both at the same time it was a one up the other tabem ...

what happened

and you falu that was never lv 116

you know what you are talking about ???



conta the Finghter: pegaladra

account Pickeman: Faveladodorio

up all in the same day for lv: 116

and pt with janina 6 to 8 months ago


Agora deu pra entender os 2 tópicos no Bug Report...

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kkk essa foi  a melhor cara

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E isso não é apenas um meme, eu rachei mesmo os dentes e começei a usar aparelho.  :(

E acho que entrei numa depressão e ganhei uns quilos também...




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GM só pode ta de brincation mesmo, como pode o pickleman do cara ta 116 e o fs 107? Acho que ele ta kidding hu3, procurando na database achou apenas o pickleman lvl 116... ve aí se é esse:



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GM só pode ta de brincation mesmo, como pode o pickleman do cara ta 116 e o fs 107? Acho que ele ta kidding mesmo, procurando na database achou apenas o pickleman lvl 116... ve aí se é esse:



aehauheae, capaz

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gente quando voces forem quotar o pessoal aqui postem o link original plz

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My boss Wartale sad, but when games such maintenance oaoaoao))


Acho que merece, porque não entendi nada dessa porra aheuahe

que isso mano

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É só clicar no quote que chega no tópico original. Isso quando ele ainda existe


uhuhuhu que truque maneiro!!

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Hi ken i, the maps suck 132, the duty XP, there are often no better action for the solo individual smokers, their scope is very broad mission, I only smoke the item far away Q where they do, I take advantage of the fence to prevent monsters, but they intentionally use MS Comp SKIL makes me die, and they told me where they are doing the tasks they want to pursue my XP, but I to attract item and no action ks them, and they make me hard, before I had time Post pictures but Wartale said not enough evidence against them to slip, so Wartale can guide me, how to obtain sufficient evidence to cinch the guilty ones, are looking forward to Wartale guide, thanks

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