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new items again?

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This items was added ~5 patchs ago, with 2 new maps and alot of other things.


That's why i still think Wartale have so much things to release but he don't want do.

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This items was added ~5 patchs ago, with 2 new maps and alot of other things.


That's why i still think Wartale have so much things to release but he don't want do.

Releasing things is easy, the hard part is the history

I'll never forget this

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This items was added ~5 patchs ago, with 2 new maps and alot of other things.


That's why i still think Wartale have so much things to release but he don't want do.

Releasing things is easy, the hard part is the history

I'll never forget this

nobody will ever forget this, m8s

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Qe espada e armadura bruta hein mano. Ks vai fica zikka.


sqn  :-\

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sorry to border but anyone here can show me how to viewer images in RPT folder ?

Tks a lot !

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Qe espada e armadura bruta hein mano. Ks vai fica zikka.


sqn  :-\


Pode crer, agora vira padre de vez

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