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Seeking solutions to the problem of hellions

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Hi. we all know the latest updates and all attempts to balance the gathering of gold by hellions

well this was not the best solution and explain them here because


The idea of the algorithm that creates restrictions picker is not a bad idea.

currently experiencing problems for example now difference lvl is 15 for hellions pick gold

if you hav lvl 130 i go to FT2 no run hellions pick(when request for enter FT2 is 115)

So if you level 130-15= 115 no run algoritm it need difference 14 lvl not 15 as it says in the Patch 3372 http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=132723.0

I then ask for example a fighter 150 or 147 there will simply reached the limit allowed on all maps Death Island (132) is the map with higher level.

I think that the difference in level should be 25 just as it is with the party

But because the admin did well here the answer


Railway of Chaos (80) drop for mobs 5.4k-6.4k




Heart of Perum (85) drop for mobs 5.4k-6.4k



Amount gold per hour with hellions


(Drop Aprox)*(# of Hellions)*(Time in Sec) /2   Where 2 is equal to the time a hellions collects an amount of gold and "Drop Aprox" is an average Min - Max Drop

Example: Heart of Perum (85)


(5400+6400/2)*4Hellions*(1Hour) /2

      5900      *      4    * 3600  /2

                  42.48KK x hour



Mystery Desert 3 (105) drop for mobs 5k-7k

in Mystery Desert 3 (105) can not apply the same formula as the previous example to be insufficient drop to a constant collection of gold.




Mystery Forest 3


(Drop Gold)    Number    Respawn

Min    Max    Amounts    Rate          Mobs

3.9k 5.1k   1 -- 2   24%          Crazy dummy

5.2k 6.2k   1 -- 2   25%          Speed dummy

1.5k 2.5k   1 -- 3   25%          Tiny Dummy

5.1k 7.1k   1 -- 2   25%          Evil dummy

16k 19k   1 -- 3     1%          Gold Dummy

These data are approximate based on my personal experience...




Amount gold per hour with hellions


    Crazy dummy                                Speed dummy                    Tiny Dummy                        Evil dummy                    Gold Dummy     


                (1620                +            2137.5                  +              1000                  +            2287.5                +            350)/5                        *4Hellions*(3600)/2

                                                                            1479*4*3600/2 = 10,648,800GP x hour


see the difference of drop gold compared to MD3 for this reason the admin decided to restrict access to these maps

but it would have been better to balance the drop of these maps


here a small algorithm it occurred to me to balance the drop in gold of all maps


                            Minimum Gold                                                                                Maximum Gold

(Mobs Level)*(Bounty)+(Mobs Level)*(Value Multipler)  -  (Mobs Level)*(Bounty)+(Mobs Level)*(Value Multipler)+1000


P.D: where Bounty=50 and "Value Multipler" is a value that changes according to the type of map (Normal=2, Exping=1 or Hunt=70)

can download it here a Example if you want this in excel https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjehsruxafrmv68/GoldDropRate-ReamPT.xlsx?dl=0



At Least path before MF3-1 currently is not visited by anyone with the exception of individuals who use Picker Bot at least before the map was visited by those who used the hellions and that somehow oversaw the Hack use beyond those using a simple macro.

Here a Video of Picker Bot

If you are now going to find servers and Zeus and Poseidon




You could make the following changes.


-Change the Level restrictions 15 to 25(without bug)

-Balance Drop Gold in all maps (Mobs Level)*(Bounty)+(Mobs Level)*(Value Multipler)

-Modify Skill Hellions change "On Comand" as default mode and "Looting" as optionally mode. (disabling use with this AFK or Macro)

-Add Bonus Exp% (1% or 2%) Buff type "Aura Area" benefiting the Party o Area and furthering creation of new users Fs. (Could copy the algorithm used in Chimera of Light for make the summon grants a bonus exp area)

-Add +100% HP to Hellions for use "On Comand"

-Removing chance for the Hellion to rage against its summoner. This Algorithm was designed in order to avoid the AFK. (Now Mode "On Comand" by default this Algorithm completely unnecessary)


Thank you...

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+1. i had a 110 fighter for 4 months and didnt use it once. just put it back to 40 level diff and we'll be okay

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