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Change class question

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I was wondering if you donate to change class does the class runes change your items?


Do you only get a name change and a character lvl same as you previously had? thats it?


Do you get to change your gear to items used by new selected class?


Thank you for the help.



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I was wondering if you donate to change class does the class runes change your items?


Do you only get a name change and a character lvl same as you previously had? thats it?


Do you get to change your gear to items used by new selected class?


Thank you for the help.

Have 2 change class options: Normal and Premium.


Normal will only change your class + you get a free chance to change your nick only.


Premium will change your class + you get a change name for free and plus you get +7 class runes from spec of change.


With this class runes you can change only spec of your actual items like rings, amulets, bracelets, boots, gauntlets and depending of class, change spec of defensive items and weapons.


If you change to other class and need a new weapon with desired spec, or you was using a armor/shield and now needs to use a robe/orb, will need swap this items paying a fee to Wartale (normally is 900 coins each item). If your items aren't donated, you can't change.

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thanks for the detailed answer!


so example I am currently a mage and want to go to ata.


when i use the class runes, I can only change my set of rings ammys and sheltom and my def set of gaunts boots and brac since the spec can change cuz item is universal.


but I cannot use rune on orb and robe to get sheild and armor corret?


Also if item is already mixed does the mix stay? or does it change spec and clean?


thanks for your help!

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but I cannot use rune on orb and robe to get sheild and armor corret?


Yes, you can't . If this robe / orb are donate if you pay 900 coins you can trade for a armor / shield with same age.


Also if item is already mixed does the mix stay? or does it change spec and clean?


When you use a rune it keep the same mix / status.

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thanks for that!


So for rings, ammys and sheltom.


those will keep spec and mix as well?



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thanks for that!


So for rings, ammys and sheltom.


those will keep spec and mix as well?



Every item will keep same mix/aging, will just change spec

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:-X kyle your best bet with a mage, is to imo use it to collect gold(SOD) or hunt bosses(val maybe), and then buy a ATA with gold or coins. ata is fairly easy to equip and 136 was around 15-18k? coins,


start out with best jav your can get/find, then a ata summer or succu suit, and a shield to match jav str. since ata does not tank in exp/hunt so u dont need best defense gears


until you go pvp anyway then u need to really gear up i guess.


anyway man, how you been? i havent been playing much been back doing things in RL and playing some other game perhaps until new content is finally released on this  ::)

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