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OMG RealMpt players are delusional!

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Dude every day i see posts like this http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=135933.0


Like...Please... this kid wants to get someone banned for saying ''f*cking'' i seriously cant stand people like that, i know it will be rejected anyways but stop making posts about bad language if someone just said f*cking or f*ck you w/e...\


Its probably the differents between country's... but come on... stop acting like someone personally hurt you... btw i dont know the guy who he reported so iam not defending him what so ever.


p.s F*CK YOU



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Dude every day i see posts like this http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=135933.0


Like...Please... this kid wants to get someone banned for saying ''f*cking'' i seriously cant stand people like that, i know it will be rejected anyways but stop making posts about bad language if someone just said f*cking or f*ck you w/e...\


Its probably the differents between country's... but come on... stop acting like someone personally hurt you... btw i dont know the guy who he reported so iam not defending him what so ever.


p.s F*CK YOU


Not to defend.Just want to say that some countries like to say this does not mean to scold or against anyone.


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It was used as an amazement comment if you ask me. And that is what the player who I let use the acct said. Shocked / amazed not calling someone the name... Just seemed really childish to report something like that when there is so much more that needs dealt with.

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