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S>All Forces

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-Celestos Forces

-Mirages Forces 180 Pieces 700k each

-Infernas Forces 340 Pieces 900k each

-Enigmas Forces 530 Pieces 1.5kk each

-Bellums Forces 280 Pieces 2.5kk each

-Oredos Forces 130 Pieces 5kk each

-Sapphires Forces 70 Pieces 8.5 kk each

-Sol Forces


Leave ur offer and how many pieces



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I buy 200 sap F and 200 sol force. How much coins ?

sorry but sols alright all sold, i'll see how many pieces of Sapphires forces i have when the game is back

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I buy 200 sap F and 200 sol force. How much coins ?

i'm still have  70 Sapphires force 8.5kk each or 595kk all or 1350 coin

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i buy enigmas :D pm in game Mercilessly. or CrisKriKa

i pmmed but it's not u there

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