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Mystery forest low gold drop

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Hi check your gold in bag, it must be less than 25kk or it was 50kk( i dont remember exacly) when you have over that you will get less gold drops from mobs.

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Hi check your gold in bag, it must be less than 25kk or it was 50kk( i dont remember exacly) when you have over that you will get less gold drops from mobs.


I don't understand the purpose of this tbh

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Hi check your gold in bag, it must be less than 25kk or it was 50kk( i dont remember exacly) when you have over that you will get less gold drops from mobs.


I don't understand the purpose of this tbh

A form to prevent bots.


Before this, people was supposed to leaves a char lvl 80 with bag quest done (who can do easily 500kk+ gold) afk botting in MF maps, he did this on past to try prevent that bots.

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Hi check your gold in bag, it must be less than 25kk or it was 50kk( i dont remember exacly) when you have over that you will get less gold drops from mobs.

my friend, I'm very new here, when I kill those crazy dummies they are dropping about 120g or 350g is that ok?

when I'm playing at ice or another map gold drops much more than this for example.

I only want to know if its alright, I'm lvl 95.


I don't have so much money in my pockets!

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if you want lot gold i suggest Iron2, is the best map to do this the rate is 1kk each 2 - 3 minutes

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This is really disappointing, now you better farm hoppies and mystery forest become useless map.

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The sad thing is fair players see their game nerfed because of very few botters/hackers.

This is the job of gm to monitor bad behaviours and not sacrifice the gameplay to unfair players.

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no need gold map like a pirate pt ("official" pt no have this maps then no cry) gold only from ground and SOD, with hellion its solved, iron 2 is best map to loot... ice1 is good, less gold but drop celesto+mirage a lot +- 20 sheltons per hour...


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