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stronger/ higher level crystals in Huntress

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can we add stronger crystal available for sale in Huntress?

lvl 95 Hell Hound Crystal is outdated and way no match with mobs in AW,

its unfair for pikes and other chars without pet skills if we always buy

expensive boss crystals when hunting.


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No , 110 120 128 132 xtals drop in hunt maps and ppls sell in personal shop


Not a valid reason, i believe some or all crystals for sale in Huntress can also be found in low level maps.

Lvl 100 to 110 crystals can also be put to  Huntress for sale, why not.


Anyway, You wont understand unless you use a pikeman and go hunt in AW.  ;)

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Hell hound crystals will only last for 1-3mins. Try hunting yourself using those crystals and see.

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its a very good idea, not everyone has guilds for support it. I think its valid, there are a lot of classes not independent which needs leech for growing up, if they implement stronger crystals for 10x, 11x probably we won't need log into two clients at same time for get things done.

only selfish people who are still 12x and beyond doesn't understands your proposition.

you say this is unfair for no pet classes, but believe me, archer pet sux compared to 5 crystals or more at same time, can't be compared and archer is weak can die easy.


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you guys only thinks about yourselves.

no we aint we are thinking about everything compared to you you´re only thinking about yourself we have been around for years we dont wanna destroy the game

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soul crystal only lasts 30 sec. (Correct me if im wrong).


The game will not suffer much from adding 110 crystals in shop. I played Rpt since its release so I also know what im talking about.


There are way bigger aspects then 100+ in a npc shop that have a impact on the game's economy.

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^ The 30 seconds on Soul Crystal is the time limit to you catch the pokemon :P

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you say this is unfair for no pet classes, but believe me, archer pet sux compared to 5 crystals or more at same time, can't be compared and archer is weak can die easy.

wolv is the smarter pet ingame. try out to hunt with chimera and you see what sux. xD

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you guys only thinks about yourselves.

this is the constant that commands the whole world, won't be different here :P

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you say this is unfair for no pet classes, but believe me, archer pet sux compared to 5 crystals or more at same time, can't be compared and archer is weak can die easy.

wolv is the smarter pet ingame. try out to hunt with chimera and you see what sux. xD



Compared with Chimera, Wolverine is more smarter pet on PT1. I guess the more "smarter" pet of all (and the #2 weaker) is the Fire Elemental.


soul crystal only lasts 30 sec. (Correct me if im wrong).

As i understood from the topic, you will have 30 seconds to get the last hit from the mob what you are attacking (to put him inside your crystal). The duration of crystal is fixed (i guess something about 5min, maybe R1 will give more details when the patch arrives).


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Well lets wait for GMs decision, they have the final say with this. We cannot stop some people think they're great and know all things about the game. -1 or +1 so be it.  :P

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I just dont understand these negative people, if this suggestion is implemented some or majority, if not all, will surely benefit with this.  ;)

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"we are the veteran here don't mess up our party, you are noobs and we are the owners of realm pt, shut up"


this is the common thinking here on some of folks, pathetic.

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We dont want you noobs to fuck up the game thats it if you were to choose it would eventually be an dead server cause exp is at 56543b per mob free items everywhere all classes can tank,hunt,exp free unicorns and lollipops, well you get my point. we are the veterans we know pretty much whats best cause we are still around yes too get knowledge you need experience deal with it. i rest my case

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We dont want you noobs to fruit up the game thats it if you were to choose it would eventually be an dead server cause exp is at 56543b per mob free items everywhere all classes can tank,hunt,exp free unicorns and lollipops, well you get my point. we are the veterans we know pretty much whats best cause we are still around yes too get knowledge you need experience deal with it. i rest my case


with what you say, you are the real noob ;) you dont know the best, neither GMs, thats why they are open to suggestions to

make this game at its best.

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We dont want you noobs to fruit up the game thats it if you were to choose it would eventually be an dead server cause exp is at 56543b per mob free items everywhere all classes can tank,hunt,exp free unicorns and lollipops, well you get my point. we are the veterans we know pretty much whats best cause we are still around yes too get knowledge you need experience deal with it. i rest my case


with what you say, you are the real noob ;) you dont know the best, neither GMs, thats why they are open to suggestions to

make this game at its best.

Ofc i dont know everything neither does them thats why there is an suggestion section but i know this topic is retarded i have played pikemans my entire life i been on pt no problem hunting in aw you just suck stop being so weak and want everything handed out to you. Dont fight an losing fight kiddo

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the suggestion is good, the retard is your comment. Ive been playing my entire PT life as a pikeman as well since 2005 way back Phil PT time and I know the strengths and weaknesses of PS better than you do. BTW, let me know the name of your pike ingame, bet you Kiddo, if this suggestion is favored by GMs, dont ever use higher crystals than hell hound, or I will laugh at you really hard. Anyway, I even doubt if you really use your pike in hunting lol. If you do, party me, Ernzsports here and I will watch you hunt in AW. ;D


note: If this suggestion will not be favored by GMs, I will accept  ;)

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the suggestion is good, the retard is your comment. Ive been playing my entire PT life as a pikeman as well since 2005 way back Phil PT time and I know the strengths and weaknesses of PS better than you do. BTW, let me know the name of your pike ingame, bet you Kiddo, if this suggestion is favored by GMs, dont ever use higher crystals than hell hound, or I will laugh at you really hard. Anyway, I even doubt if you really use your pike in hunting lol. If you do, party me, Ernzsports here and I will watch you hunt in AW. ;D


note: If this suggestion will not be favored by GMs, I will accept  ;)

i been playing pristontale since the original pristontale when it came out when max lvl was 60 lol been playing it since then on all kinds of server no i played this longer then you and if you cant read you can see my name on my image i am also Shadow.Mage wich i mostly use atm if thats what you´re asking once you get 14x its easy to hunt in aw with an pikeman sure you cant tank as an mech but its still easy and i am 23 last time i talked with you, you were younger then me like alot so dont kiddo me kid you´re free to watch me hunt whenever you want <.<

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im already 14x, lets go and hunt with your pike! Pm me in game lets see  ;)

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