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Stats and Skills for new mage

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Hi guys, I played EPT like 10 years ago and continued to play rpt after EPT ended. I see now that mage became the hot thing in RPT, so I decided to make a mage main character.


I read through a lot of topics and have a few questions. I'm only interested on lvling up, sod and occasionally hunting. How should I distribute my stats?

Str - enough to wear boots etc

Spr - the rest

Tal - enough to wear gears

Agi - enough to wear boots etc

Health - base


Is this ok?


For skills, I'm assuming the following, in order of importance

Agony - 10?

Enchant weapon - 10?

Energy shield 10?

Spirit Element - 10?

Meteorite - 10?


Back in the old days, we only used Diastrophism, now in RPT meteorite doesn't have delay anymore, should I still use Diastrophism at all? If no need for Diastrophism, what other skills should i get from t1-t3? Also, what t5 skills should I get?


Thanks and I look forward to play again.


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DIas is completely useless right now, Meteorite is way better, until you max out Stone Spike then that suppress all those 2 skills. Intentially, like this Stone SPike > Meteor>Dias.

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DIas is completely useless right now, Meteorite is way better, until you max out Stone Spike then that suppress all those 2 skills. Intentially, like this Stone SPike > Meteor>Dias.


After a few days of playing I think I got the idea now. I got ee10,se10, ew10, mm10, and debating what else I should get.


I tested ss5 vs mete10 and it looks like mete10 is still a lot stronger.

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I am 14x mgs trust me meteor sucks compared to stonespikes all buffs no need for dancing swords or agony then deathray and you got everything covered as a low lvl mage you can add a bit hp 100 is standard even i use that i can teach you everything online slow on the pad just pm shadow.mage and i pm when i can online 24/7 but i reply when i am there ^^

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I am 14x mgs trust me meteor sucks compared to stonespikes all buffs no need for dancing swords or agony then deathray and you got everything covered as a low lvl mage you can add a bit hp 100 is standard even i use that i can teach you everything online slow on the pad just pm shadow.mage and i pm when i can online 24/7 but i reply when i am there ^^


cool. I see you in town a lot lol. I'm lvl 104 now and was able to test stone spike vs meteor and confirmed that stone spike is a lot stronger. After se, ee, mm, ew, what should I go for next? also after i get stone spike 10, what other t4 and t5 skill should I up next? should i reset meteor back to 1 and up fire element?



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I am 14x mgs trust me meteor sucks compared to stonespikes all buffs no need for dancing swords or agony then deathray and you got everything covered as a low lvl mage you can add a bit hp 100 is standard even i use that i can teach you everything online slow on the pad just pm shadow.mage and i pm when i can online 24/7 but i reply when i am there ^^


cool. I see you in town a lot lol. I'm lvl 104 now and was able to test stone spike vs meteor and confirmed that stone spike is a lot stronger. After se, ee, mm, ew, what should I go for next? also after i get stone spike 10, what other t4 and t5 skill should I up next? should i reset meteor back to 1 and up fire element?



Yeah reset meteor to lvl 1 its kinda useless after SS is 10 the skills you need at lvl 10 are zenith,mental mastery,enchant weapon,death ray,energy shield,spirit elemental,fire elemental,and distortion and all tier 5 these are the only skills you have any use for ^^

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Keep meteor lvl 10, you'll need it for ct3Q. CT3Q = lvl 120-128/132.


No, afk and noob mages need it.

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Hi guys, I played EPT like 10 years ago and continued to play rpt after EPT ended. I see now that mage became the hot thing in RPT, so I decided to make a mage main character.


I read through a lot of topics and have a few questions. I'm only interested on lvling up, sod and occasionally hunting. How should I distribute my stats?

Str - enough to wear boots etc

Spr - the rest

Tal - enough to wear gears

Agi - enough to wear boots etc

Health - base


Is this ok?


For skills, I'm assuming the following, in order of importance

Agony - 10?

Enchant weapon - 10?

Energy shield 10?

Spirit Element - 10?

Meteorite - 10?


Back in the old days, we only used Diastrophism, now in RPT meteorite doesn't have delay anymore, should I still use Diastrophism at all? If no need for Diastrophism, what other skills should i get from t1-t3? Also, what t5 skills should I get?


Thanks and I look forward to play again.

Stats Efficient

Str - enough to wear boots etc

Spr - the rest

Tal - enough to wear gears

Agi - enough to wear boots etc

Health - base


For skills, I'm assuming the following, in order of importance and Why!!!


    Level 1 - 69

1st - Enchant Weapon - 10 (This adds static damage to your attacks   

                                        If you do not have time to train this skill unnecessary skills is the best choice)

      |Mental Mastery - 10  (Having a high-volume of MP is very important for the mage)

2nd  |                              (Mental Mastery and Energy Shield up at a time)

      |Energy Shield - 10    (Great protection in exchange for MP

                                        it is very good for mage with high-volume of MP)

3rd - Spirit Element - 10    (Adds more damage based on the level of your skills

                                        not highly recommended if you have your skill at level 1)


    Level 70-86

4th - Meteorite - 10          (Powerful midrange skill - Disadvantages: you are vulnerable while casting the skill

                                      You need Distortion for Map Exping or Fire Elemental for Map Hunt)


    Level 86-106

5th - Stone Spike - 10      (Powerful short-range skill - Disadvantages: its short range

                                      it is making dangerous if you do not have high-volume of MP

                                      or much absorption-Defense

                                      You need Distortion for Map Exping or Fire Elemental for Map Hunt)


    Level 106-∞


If your looking to be Mage PvE

6th - Magic Source - 10    (Adds more high-volume of mana highly recommended

                                      if you have your Mental Mastery 10)

7th - Agony - 10              (Sacrifices your own HP to be converted to MP highly recommended

                                      if you have 6k-7k of MP )


If your looking to be Mage PvP

6th - Death Ray - 10        (Powerful High-range skill - Disadvantages: You need Amplify for maximize

                                      performance moreover Stone Spike is better)

7th - Amplify - 10            (Improve your attacks 1 on 1 Death Ray-Fire Bolt                     

                                      Wartale currently it does not give much prominence as the Stone Spike)




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