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The Patch #3388 + #3391 Rant/Feedback Thread

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Hello guys! It has been 4 days since the patch came out, and I'm pretty sure we all have different opinions on the patch.

But hey, here we are! This is the place where you give your feedback and discuss with other players about the changes!


But, why?

I used to frequent forums where people would discuss every patch in a single thread, and I think it

would be nice here :P.


I added the suggestions and the website links to make it easier to navigate.




General Gameplay changes


- Added 3 New Daily Quests (105) (110) (120)

- Added Soul Crystal

- Added Magnifying Glass

- Up to 10 Monster Crystals can be spawned simultaneously now (As suggested here)

- Added a Day-Night clock tooltip (As suggested here)

- Added the ability to automatically sell items to the NPC by right clicking them when the NPC window is open (As suggested here)

- Eased The Child Prodigy Party Quest by requiring only 20 Xetan & 20 Igolation kills instead of 30 of each (As suggested here)

- Added the ability to kill item timers such as Big Head, Phoenix Pet by right clicking the timers

- Boss time now updates in real time without having to relog (As suggested here)

- Monsters can only drop 1 stack of Gold at a time now

- Improved Tulla's drop rates

- Improved Greedy's drop rates (As suggested here here here)

- Gold drop rates in Mystery Forests slightly increased

- Clever Daemon retires from Bamboo Forest

- Added a new loading screen for Iron Core (From GM-Wartale's photo event here)

- Eased Mordack's Daily Quests by reducing the number of kills needed to complete the quests (The amount of monsters required down from 10.000 to 3.500!)

- EXP reward for Daily Quests is now displayed at the NPC window already taking the player's level difference into account (Formula: here)


Character changes


- Lightning Sword damage increased

- Stone Spike now has the same delay on every skill level (As suggested here)

- Inner Soul stats changed to match the skill's description


Bugs fixes and Security improvement


- Added new anti-bot measures to our anti-cheat system

- Fixed a bug where you could sometimes fall under the map in ET1

- Fixed a bug where male characters could wear some of the female dresses

- Back-end improvements

- Minor bug-fixes

- Fixed the crash/DC issue introduced in the previous patch

- Fixed Magnifying Glass not working on Orbs

- Fixed Warehouse quiz being incorrect due to recent changes in the Bellatra monsters

- Fixed several other minor bugs

- Anti-cheat tweaking

- Back-end improvements




- Double Drop Event started for 48 hours! (From 03/07 to 03/09)


Further info and Hot links


- Devlog #3

- Devlog #4

- Patch 3388

- Patch 3391


Closing Comments


As you guys can see, a lot of things we suggest are implemented, so, we shall keep suggesting!

All credits goes to GM-R1 and the Wartale Staff.

Big Shoutout to all the people who made awesome suggestions that made it into the game.

#1 - Added Patch #3391

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I personaly like the 120 daily Q for ad1.  Why ? Caus i can put my tank afk in the hellspawn and kill with a priest, it gives me alot exp also since im too weak for ct3. So even if we didnt have that ad1 quest i needed too lvl there and now its going faster because of the quest ! So +1 for that ( i dont mind that i need too kill 10.000 mobs but thats diff for everyone )

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I'm loving it, with the Daily Quest 105+, now theres a reason to up in MD3 instead of MD1, because the added XP prize makes worth it to kill stone mobs. Plus, the Soul Crystal is awesome, I'm still pondering which mobs should I take to sell after. Magnifiyng lens didn't impress me, thought, since it says only if item is perfect or not, but not show which values a perfect item must have. It only takes the same time to consult the website to see the maximum values, after all. The dynamic Boss time in settings screen was suggested by me, and I loved to see that the things we ask, are taking in consideration by the RPT team...! Actually, I don't know why people complain about a lack of new content, since I started in RPT, two months ago, I saw lots of implementations.

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I didnt like the change that affected DIQ (Monsters can only drop 1 stack of Gold at a time now) that made the quest took so long now. Before this, we used to finish Q in 20-25 min but now  the quest took 35-50 min (and 35 min with a really good pt, that is almost impossible to find)

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I'm loving the daily quest system.


Frees some et1 space and I'm finally able to see old/new faces on exp maps.


and having the ability to sell items by right clicking them really helps as well, sometimes I need to sell gyfus/nieds I pick when I'm exping :P

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I didnt like the change that affected DIQ (Monsters can only drop 1 stack of Gold at a time now) that made the quest took so long now. Before this, we used to finish Q in 20-25 min but now  the quest took 35-50 min (and 35 min with a really good pt, that is almost impossible to find)



and loved the daily quests

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Once again, another big patch :D


3500 monsters is easily reached in ~1 hour, pretty amazing for people who don't have much time to play.

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I just loved the idea of daily quests, however I am upset that once again because chars melees were again aside these quests.

If other daily quests come by as examples kill Boss, oh yes melee chars will be recognized.

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I really enjoy RPT for this, those guys are very competent planning such changes.

thank you

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I just loved the idea of daily quests, however I am upset that once again because chars melees were again aside these quests.

If other daily quests come by as examples kill Boss, oh yes melee chars will be recognized.


R1 said that he is currently working on new daily quests :D

but yea, boss dailies would be cool.

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Skill Inner Soul -2% critical is unusable, you use it loses much damage, almost half in pvp and hunting up. Minority playing fs and read this review do the test with innersoul and then only with Swift Axe. Inner Soul of no use.

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I play PT since 2006, I have little time rpt (I'm really enjoying it) and always realized that the great difficulty of the game on any server is to achieve a balance between characters.

I think the fighter with the knight in rpt is slightly lower compared to the other characters.

Today, the fighter is the only character in the game that has 2 buffs that worsen the character: Berseker and now inner soul (absortion and critical). Ok, trade defense for attack, it is the feature of the character to be offensive, but as offensive character to have a buff that reduces damage?

I auditioned in pvp and up, now the skill inner soul even at level 10 is the same thing that was not used, with the hellion that does not work on maps 15 levels to below makes the fighter without tier 5.

I agree that the fighter has the main feature of the melee, then you can not improve the skill in the area, but I think to not only be a tanker, which fighter is not, or lure (useless), can the inner soul back as it was, or rather the damage the AV or DT.

That's my opinion, some fighters who spoke at stake also found the inner soul now useless to use.





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